Adoption Application
Is this a Petco Adoption
Name of cat you are interested in adopting
Applicant's First Name
Applicant's Last Name
Street Address
Apartment Number (if applicable)
Zip Code
Email Address
Please enter correctly as this is the main way we will contact you
Phone Number
Date of Birth
By signing you agree that you understand the health of this cat or kitten is unknown. You may request a list of tests and medical treatments this cat has received while in our care before you take the cat home. Edgar and Ivy can not treat this cat for any illness after the cat is in your possession. You have two weeks to take the cat to a vet. If you then decide to return the cat for previously unknown health conditions you will receive a full refund on the adoption fee but not veterinary fees. Felv and FiV testing has only been done if it has been noted on the cage card of the cat.
By signing you agree that cats adopted from Edgar and Ivy may not be rehomed, put outside, taken to a shelter or animal control, adopted out or given away. Cats must be returned to Edgar and Ivys cat sanctuary. Cats will be accepted back at any time without penalty and no refund. By signing you are entering into a legal contract and agree with the terms stated. Failure to abide by this contract will result in the annulment of this adoption contract and legal action may be pursued in a court of law.
By signing you agree that you will not declaw this cat or kitten. Declawing is considered animal mutilation and often ends in the euthanasia of the cat.