Please complete the form as fully as possible to assist us in finding the best dog for you.
All mandatory fields are shown with a red '*'. Once completed click the 'Submit' button once and your form will be delivered to our Rescue and Homing Team.
If you have seen a dog on our web site that you are interested in, please select the dog from list below or leave blank if you have no specific dog in mind.
Please note that you may well need to attach photos of your garden at one point, so two landscape photos should be available as you complete this form
Please note we can only home dogs within the UK
Dog I'm interested In
About You
Please enter correctly as this is the main way we will contact you
About Your Home
Family and Friends
Work Arrangements
Other Dogs & Pets
About Your New Dog
Next Steps
About Costs
Hector's Greyhound Rescue relies upon donations to keep running. We do ask that adopters make a voluntary donation of a minimum of £250. However you can make an additional donation above this. Please select from the next field the statement that best describes your position
You can boost any adoption donation you may make by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate to Hector's Greyhound Rescue as the Gift Aid is reclaimed by the charity from the tax you pay for the current tax year
Hector’s Greyhound Rescue will only use your information in order to carry out the charity’s activities and, under no circumstances, will this information be passed on to a third party.
We would like to keep you up to date with Hector’s activities and would like your permission to contact you from time to time
Hector's Greyhound Rescue 0300 011 011 9