First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Address *
City *
State *
Zipcode *
Driver's License # *
Home/Mobile/Work Phone # *
Emergency Contact - Name/Phone# *
Living Arrangements
Type of home you reside in? *
Own a home
Rent a house
Rent an apartment
if 'Other' please explain
If renting, please provide the landlord's name & phone (if none, write n/a) *
Do you have a fenced yard? *
If yes, what type of fence? (If none, write n/a) *
Name, age, and relationship of all persons living with you (if none, write n/a) *
Is everyone in your home aware that you have applied to foster? *
Animal Care
Type, Size (weight), Age, Breed pet you prefer to foster *
Name, age, and breed of all animals living with you (if none, write n/a) *
Veterinarian Clinic/Name and Phone # *
(During the week) Hours per day that foster(s) will be left alone *
Less than 4 hours
4-8 hours
8-10 hours
More than 10 hours
(During the weekend) Hours per day that foster(s) will be left alone *
Less than 4 hours
4-8 hours
8-10 hours
More than 10 hours
While left alone, foster(s) will be *
Restricted area in home
Free to roam in fenced area
Do you understand that sometimes a complete history and temperament of a rescue dog may not be known? *
Are you able to transport foster to vet and adoption events *
Do you agree, to the best of your ability, to bathe and tend to the foster's routine care? This is especially needed before surgery, transport & adoption events. *
Do you agree to be observant for any health/behavior problems and to let rescue volunteer know as soon as anything is observed? *
Terms of Agreement
By submitting this application, I affirm that the facts set forth in it are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if I am accepted as a foster, that I am not the rightful owner of the dog/cat and any medical decisions/re-homing decisions will be made by Sam Coffey Animal Rescue Friends (SCARF). I understand that any false statements, omissions, or other misrepresentations made by me on this application may result in an immediate termination of the foster contract and the foster dog/cat is to be returned. SCARF shall be held harmless from and against any and all claims and damages of every kind, for injury to any person or persons and for damage to or loss of property, arising out of or attributed to, directly or indirectly, the operations or performance of the above named volunteer (foster) under this agreement, including claims and damages arising in whole or part from the negligence of SCARF. I agree to notify SCARF of any injuries such as illness, escapes, injuries or any concerns pertaining to my foster as soon as possible.
I certify that the information on this application is true. I give permission for you to contact my landlord, and veterinarian’s office. Please sign your name. *
Please enter today's date *