Dog - House of Paws - Adoption Contract
Dogs name
Applicant's First Name
Applicant's Last Name
Street Address
Zip Code
Phone number
Email Address
Please enter correctly as this is the main way we will contact you
I understand that adoption fees are non-refundable. If this animal doesn’t work out the animal will be returned to House of Paws, Inc. I understand that I will be given the opportunity to adopt another animal in its place.
I agree and promise to keep and provide for this animal for its lifetime: food, water, shelter, care, companionship, preventative care and medical care that is in the best interest of the animals wellbeing. Notes If I cannot meet this obligation for any reason, I promise to notify House of Paws Inc to make arrangements to safely return this animal to them.
If a dog is unneutered (not fixed) at the time of adoption, the Adopter agrees to having the Animal neutered as soon as possible unless there are overriding veterinary reasons for it not being possible.
I understand that House of Paws, Inc. does not guarantee this animal’s behavior, health nor temperament and I accept full responsibility for any risks associated with owning this animal. ANY interaction between pets and children should be supervised.
I understand that the normal adjustment period for most new pets is approximately 30-45 days and I am prepared to make allowances accordingly as the pet gets to know it’s new surroundings.
It is my understanding that every precaution has been taken to see that this animal is healthy and suitable as a household pet. Any condition of health or temperament that is not known by House of Paws, Inc. is not the responsibility of House of Paws, Inc, and I hold harmless House of Paws, Inc.
I have read the foregoing and certify that the answers I have given are complete, true and not misleading in any way. I am authorizing you to contact landlords, associations and veterinarians. You are also aware that we cannot guarantee the health and temperament of the animal. I hereby release and waive any right or claim against House of Paws, Inc. and the contact person involved in the adoption now and in the future for any damages to any person(s) or property or for any other claims resulting in the adoption of this pet.