Your first name and middle initial: *
Your last name: *
Your physical address: *
City you reside in: *
State you reside in: *
Zipcode for your area: *
Your home phone #:
Your work phone #:
Your cell phone #: *
Your e-mail address:
Are you 18 years of age or older? *
No Yes
Please upload a picture of your driver's license: *
What are you interested in adopting? *
Is there a specific pet you are interested in adopting? If you are not sure, please leave blank.
Barney (Dog - A24Y2991)
Beau (Dog - O24Y3204)
Bevo (Dog - O24Y3203)
Boots (Dog - O24Y3200)
Buffy Summers (Dog - O24Y3201)
Chewie (Dog - T24Y430)
Cloie (Dog - O24Y3160)
Deuce (Dog - O24Y3151)
Devon (Cat - T24Y417)
Diego (Dog - T24Y372)
Doug (Dog - O24Y3154)
Dusty (Dog - A24Y2998)
Felicity (Cat - T24Y434)
Gypsy (Cat - T24Y416)
Hannah (Cat - T24Y436)
Jacob (Dog - T24Y442)
Janet (Cat - T24Y420)
Jose (Dog - T24Y397)
Juniper (Cat - T24Y424)
Junni (Dog - T24Y443)
Kiwi (Dog - T24Y437)
Lorelei (Cat - T24Y411)
Lucinda (Dog - T24Y432)
Luna Moon (Cat - O24Y3182)
Mae (Dog - O24Y3125)
Margarita (Dog - T24Y332)
Mrs. Frosty (Bonnie) (Dog - T24Y428)
Oliver (Dog - T24Y438)
Princessa (Dog - A24Y2999)
Radar (Dog - T24Y433)
Sephora (Skylar) (Dog - T24Y284)
Sid (Dog - O24Y3199)
Sunny (Cat - T24Y435)
Sushi (Dog - O24Y3169)
Trey (Cat - T24Y425)
Tulip (Dog - T24Y275)
Willow (Cat - T24Y421)
Why are you adopting a pet? *
Do you rent? *
No Yes
The Humane Society's (HSCC) policy requires the adopter to provide documentation of Landlord's approval for a pet (or pets) on the premises, that any required pet deposits have been paid, and that adopted pet is within imposed breed and size restrictions.
Enter landlord's name and telephone number: *
Are there children in the home? *
No Yes
What are the ages of any/all children in your home? *
Have you ever turned in a pet to the Humane Society of Camden County? *
No Yes
If yes, please explain when and why: *
Are there current pets in your household? *
No Yes
As to the current pets in your household, list each pets name, age, sex, breed: *
Are the pets in your household up to date on all of their shots? *
No Yes
If no, please explain: *
Are the pets in your household spayed or neutered? *
No Yes
If no, please explain: *
What is the name of your Veterinarian or Veterinary Clinic? *
Are you willing to go to the expense of taking your pet to the veterinarian for full preventative and medical care at least once a year? *
No Yes
Is there a yard available at your residence? *
No Yes
If so, is it completely fenced in? *
No Yes
Is there adequate shelter available for your dog/puppy? *
No Yes
Will your puppy/dog ever be chained or tied? *
No Yes
If adopting a kitten/cat, how will you handle scratching or destructive behavior? *
Has a cat died on your premises of distemper, leukemia, feline aids, or any other causes within the last six months? *
No Yes
If yes, please explain: *
Has a dog died on your premises of parvo, distemper, heartworms, or any other causes within the last six months? *
No Yes
If yes, please explain: *
E-Signature: *
Today's Date: *
Notice Concerning
Spay/Neuter Fees
It has been brought to the Humane Society's (HSCC) attention that a few of the area veterinarians, who have agreements with the HSCC, mandate certain additional procedures that other area veterinarians do not require when performing spay/neuters. These additional mandated procedures are not covered in the HSCC's spay/neuter agreement with the veterinarians and; therefore, are not included in the HSCC spay/neuter fee. Prior to the spay/neuter procedure being performed by your selected veterinarian, it is important that you ask him/her for an itemized list of all procedures/costs to be preformed, as you will be responsible for payment to the veterinarian for any additional procedures.
The HSCC adoption price and spay/neuter procedure includes the following:
Dogs $85 | Puppies/Small or Purebreds $155
Health Exam
Routine Spay/Neuter
1 night boarding
24-hour pain management
Intravenous fluids, if indicated
Rabies vaccination
Fecal Exam (HSCC)
Heartworm tests (HSCC)
Cats/Kittens $60
Health Exam
Routine Spay/Neuter
1 night boarding
24-hour pain management
Intravenous fluids, if indicated
Rabies vaccination
E-Signature: *
Today's Date: *
HSCC Partnered Veterinarian List
The HSCC is proud to be partnered with the following veterinarians list below.
If the vet you select cannot spay/neuter your pet within a reasonable time, an HSCC staff member will advise you accordingly and another vet shall be selected. HSCC staff members are not permitted to make vet recommendations.
NOTE: Only the vets listed below are authorized to perform spay/neuters on HSCC adopted animals.
Please select the vet you would prefer to spay/neuter your pet: *
Animal Medical Clinic
Betz Veterinary Services
Integrity Animal Hospital
Laurel Oaks Animal Hospital
Nassau Veterinary Hospital
Southern Paws Veterinary Clinic
Southeast Georgia Veterinary Clinic
I have no vet preference.