Dog Adoption Application
Animal you are interested in adopting
Abel (Dog - D20231912)
Anne (miami) (Cat - C20241572)
Astra (Dog - D2024613)
Babbs (Dog - D2024800)
Baby (Dog - D2024318)
Barb (Wyndale) (Cat - C20241503)
Barley (Grover) (Cat - C20241172)
Beans (Dog - D2024763)
Birch (britt) (Cat - C20161896)
Blaster (Dog - D2023565)
Blossom/Lizzi (Burton France) (Cat - C2022485)
Briar (Dog - D2023253)
Bugs (Dog - D2023052)
Carl/Roller (Dog - D2019446)
Carolina (Bayless) (Cat - C20241341)
Carson (Sherwood) (Cat - C20241033)
Carter (Spring St) (Cat - C2024286)
Chancy (holly hills) (Cat - C20241773)
Cloudy (mayfield) (Cat - C20241651)
Comma/Comet (Dog - D2023067)
Cora (taylor bridge) (Cat - C20241624)
Cotton (charleston) (Cat - C20241846)
Dahlia (Dog - D20231447)
Dallas (Ranch Rd) (Cat - C20241421)
Damien (Sherwood) (Cat - C20241032)
Danielle (Dog - D2023404)
Dara (Dog - D2023382)
Davis/Popeye (Dog - D2024823)
Dos (buccaneer) (Cat - C20241147)
Dove (Ranch Rd) (Cat - C20241423)
Eden (Willow Bend) (Cat - C20241763)
Edna (Dog - D2024501)
Ember (indian ridge) (Cat - C2024708)
Endora (Bayless) (Cat - C20241810)
Fat Daddy (ridgefield) (Cat - C20241721)
Faust (Doe Creek) (Cat - C20241815)
Franklin (blalock) (Cat - C20241830)
Garth (Dog - D2024889)
Georgia (terrace) (Cat - C20241732)
Georgie (e 8th) (Cat - C20241636)
Georgina (terrace) (Cat - C20241731)
Hades (Dog - D2024815)
Hunter (smithdale) (Cat - C20241734)
Jasper (Dog - D2024868)
Julius (Cecil Gray) (Cat - C20241850)
Layla (Trivette Concourse) (Cat - C20241745)
Luce (Dog - D20231268)
Luna (Highland Ave) (Cat - C2024903)
Malibu (Dog - D2024372)
Marcus (Shadden) (Cat - C20241854)
Mary Catherine (Weaver Pk) (Cat - C2024564)
Matilda (Uncle Buddy's Way) (Cat - C20231353)
Merida (Dog - D2024728)
Miska (Buffalo) (Cat - C20231677)
Miso (e lakeview) (Cat - C20241424)
Miss Piggy (Dog - D2023473)
Mondo (Dog - D2024603)
Ms Biscuit (Doe Creek) (Cat - C20241814)
Natasha (E Locust) (Cat - C20241749)
Noodle (frog level) (Cat - C20241425)
Oise (Golden Corral) (Cat - C20241448)
Oliver (Cherokee) (Cat - C2024221)
Orca (highway 107) (Cat - C2024074)
Pasadena (knob creek) (Cat - C20241270)
Patches (Dog - D2024146)
Peyton (Ford Creek) (Cat - C20241726)
Pokey (carroll creek) (Cat - C2024985)
Princess (Dog - D20231191)
Pumpkin (Hwy 107) (Cat - C20241822)
Raja (Carriage Ct) (Cat - C20241665)
Ralphie (old state rt 34) (Cat - C2023610)
Rattle/Sailor (Dog - D2020373)
Rocky (Dog - D2023411)
Rosarita (Bailey Bridge) (Cat - C20241642)
Rusty (smithdale) (Cat - C20241735)
Sadie (Dog - D20191383)
Sassy (Larry Waddle) (Cat - C20241811)
Schmendric (Doe Creek) (Cat - C20241816)
Scout (HL Good) (Cat - C2024920)
Shadow (Hwy 81N) (Cat - C20241760)
Shamrock (Dog - D2023227)
Sherri/Kira/Hinata (Dog - D20171383)
Spirit (Dog - D2024874)
Sweetie Pie (Old Gray Station) (Cat - C20241023)
Tabby (holly hills) (Cat - C20241774)
Tater (Dog - D20231448)
Taz (smithdale) (Cat - C20241733)
Tempe (golden corral) (Cat - C20241092)
Tennessee (carroll creek) (Cat - C2024986)
Tilly Pig (rocky) (Cat - C20241704)
Tinker (Cat - C20241524)
Tom (Hwy 11E) (Cat - C20241801)
Truman/Felix (Ford Creek) (Cat - C2020878)
Tucson (golden corral) (Cat - C20241091)
Twilight (e 8th) (Cat - C20241635)
Velveeta (E Mountainview) (Cat - C20241465)
Wallace (Mint Hill) (Cat - C20241813)
Windy (Dog - D20221049)
Wren (W Magnolia) (Cat - C20241535)
Wren (indian ridge) (Cat - C2024705)
Ziva (Barwick) (Cat - C20241843)
Applicant's First Name
Applicant's Last Name
Street Address
Apartment Number (if applicable)
Zip Code
Phone Number
Email Address
Alternate Phone Number
Date of Birth
Do you own or rent your home?
Someone else owns the Home
Someone else rents the Home
Please select your current residence type.
Mobile Home
If you answered "other" above, please explain here:
If you rent, provide your landlord name and phone number
How long have you lived at this address?
Less than one month
1-2 months
3-6 months
6-9 months
9-12 months
1-2 years
3-5 years
6-10 years
10 + years
Do you own other pets at the current time?
If yes, please list their names, breeds, and ages.
Are all of your pets spayed/neutered/fixed?
Are your pets current on their vaccinations?
Veterinarian's Name
If you have never owned a pet please tell us where you would go.
Veterinarian's Address, City, State, and Zip Code
Again if you have never owned a pet please list where you would go
Veterinarian's Phone Number
Who will have primary responsibilty for the animal?
Including yourself, how many people live in your household?
Please list the ages & relationship of those who live in your home.
On average, how many hours per day will your pet be left alone?
Will this pet be predominantly living inside, outside, or both?
Please provide a description of this pet's living conditions.
Do you have a completely fenced-in yard? If so, what kind of fence?
Chain Link
Other (I do not have a fenced yard)
If you answered "other" above, please explain:
If you do not have a fenced yard, how will you let the animal out?
Are there times when the animal will be tied/chained up?
Where will the animal sleep?
In bed with me
In bed with my child
In a dog / cat bed
In a kennel / crate
Wherever he or she likes
If you answered "other" above, please explain:
Have you ever turned your dog or cat into a shelter or given a pet away?
If yes, please explain?
I certify that his information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I agree not to keep this dog on a chain. I understand that the Washington County Johnson City Animal Shelter reserves the right to deny any application for any reason and that if I am unable to keep this animal for any reason I will return it to the WCJC Animal Shelter so that they can rehome the dog.
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