Adoption Application
Animal you are interested in adopting
Aaron (Dog - D2025870)
Archer (Dog - D2024757)
Bailee (Dog - D2025886)
Barry (Dog - D2024353)
Bart (Dog - D2025828)
Birch (Dog - D2025885)
Buster brown (Dog - D20222554)
Campbell (Dog - D2024711)
Cash (Dog - D2024769)
Clover (Dog - D2025884)
Cookie 2 (Dog - D2025811)
Cooper (Dog - D2024450)
Cruise (Dog - D20211943)
Daisy (Dog - D2025841)
Duck (Dog - D2025897)
Gambler (Dog - D2025872)
Goliath (Dog - D2025849)
Handsome (Dog - D2025831)
Hannah (Dog - D2024123)
Harley (Dog - D2024734)
Henry (Dog - D2025903)
Holly (Dog - D2025813)
JJ (Dog - D2025900)
Jax (Dog - D2024678)
Joey (Dog - D2024791)
Julius (Dog - D2025899)
Larry (Dog - D2023913)
Lee (Dog - D2025892)
Luna (Dog - D2025880)
Mac (Dog - D2023630)
Maggie (Dog - D2025893)
Magnolia (Dog - D2025896)
Mallie (Dog - D2025887)
Marshmallow (Dog - D2025850)
Marty (Dog - D2025875)
Matty (Dog - D2025876)
Molly (Dog - D2024510)
Noelle (Dog - D2025814)
Nova (Dog - D2025848)
Novak (Dog - D2024257)
Pancake (Dog - D2024673)
Piglet (Dog - D2025888)
Pixie (Dog - D2024465)
River (Dog - D2025883)
Rocky (Dog - D2024014)
Rowan (Dog - D2024611)
Ruby (Dog - D2024718)
Sabrina (Dog - D2024410)
Sally (Dog - D2023579)
Sammy (Dog - D2024027)
Skip (Dog - D2025890)
Turtle (Dog - D2024084)
Willow (Dog - D2025882)
Applicant's First Name
Applicant's Last Name
Applicant Date of Birth
Applicant must be at least 18 years of age to apply
Email Address
Please enter correctly as this is the main way we will contact you
Phone Number
Street Address
Apartment Number (if applicable)
Zip Code
Are you or your partner honorably discharged veterans of the U.S. Military?
In order to complete the application process, will you need any accommodations? (i.e. no emails, text only, family/friend/other help, etc)?
Please describe your request(s)
What type of home do you live in
Do you own or rent your home?
If own, is your home a part of a Condo Association or HOA?
If renting, please provide landlord's name
If renting, please provide landlord's telephone
Is your yard fenced?
If yes, what type of fence?
Please list the names, breeds and ages of any companion animals (dogs or cats) currently in the home. This includes pets owned by you as well as other members of the household.
Please list the names, breeds and ages of any additional companion animals (dogs or cats) you've owned in the past 5 years.
Veterinarian's Name (for the office that has provided the regular wellness care for your current and/or past pets)
Veterinarian's Phone Number
If the account at this Vet is not in your name, who is the account holder?
Please provide the name and phone number of any other veterinarians who your pets have seen
Please provide the names of 3 non-related personal references along with their contact info and relationship to you
Who in the home will be responsible for the dog?
What size of dog are you looking for?
No Preference
What age are you looking for?
0 to 6 months
6 months - 2 years
2-5 years
5-7 years
7+ years
What energy level?
No Preference
What sex dog are you looking for?
No Preference
Please rank the following in order of importance to your family: Age, Size, Energy Level, Breed, Temperament, Gender
Please explain briefly why you are interested in this type of dog
How serious are you about adopting a rescue dog?
Just Browsing
Interested by Need Time
Seriously Considering
Ready to Adopt Now
In what timeframe would you be able to welcome a new companion home?
2 weeks
2-4 weeks
4-6 weeks
6+ weeks.
Including yourself, how many people live in your household?
Please list the ages & relationship of those who live in your home (including yourself).
Please describe your lifestyle and the the activity level of your home.
How often will the dog be in contact with children? (Include family members, visitors, neighbors - provide details)
Does anyone in your household have allergies to dogs or cats?
Do you have a plan to address any potential allergic reaction? If so, what is it?
Where will the dog be kept when household members are home? (be specific)
Where will the dog be kept when household members are not home? (be specific)
On average, how many hours per day will your pet be left alone?
0-2 hours
3-5 hours
6-8 hours
8-10 hours
10+ hours
Describe type and frequency of how you plan to exercise your dog
Do you anticipate having to crate train your dog?
Do you anticipate having to house train your dog?
Do you expect to take the dog to formal obedience training?
Describe your experience with basic obedience training, including house, leash, and crate training?
How long do you feel it will take for the dog to adapt to its new home?
What do you estimate the monthly cost to care for a dog? (food, grooming, vet care, toys, day care/boarding, etc?)
Have you ever sold, given up, rehomed a dog or euthanized a dog for behavior issues?
If yes, please provide more detail.
What circumstances would be cause for you to surrender your dog? Or are there any behaviors you consider to be a dealbreaker?
How did you hear about Dog Star Rescue?
Attended an Event
Google Search
Dog Star Website
Thomas Hooker Brewery
Personal Referral
Max Burger
Lawn Sign
Last chance - tell us anything! Is there anything we forgot to ask? Is there something else you want to mention? Let us know!
General Disclosures: 1. The Dog Star adoption fee covers all vetting costs, including pull fees charged by shelters, spay/neuter costs, vaccinations including bordetella, distemper/parvo, rabies, fecal and heartworm screening, heartworm and flea preventative, interstate health certificate and transportation fees. 2. After filling out the Application, please call your veterinarian to give Dog Star permission to contact your vet. 3. This Application shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Connecticut, irrespective of the laws that might otherwise govern under applicable principles of conflicts of law.
I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that false or misleading information in my application may result in my application being denied.
Applicant's Signature (Submission by email will serve as signature agreement)
To expedite the application process, please email copies of your vet records and rent/lease/HOA pet policy to
***Please check your spam/junk folders if you don’t see a response from us within 48 hours.***