Adoption Application
1. You must have a photo identification showing your present address.
2. You must have the knowledge and consent of all adults living in the household.
3. Be able and willing to spend the time and money necessary to provide the proper care of the pet.
4. TLC does not adopt cats over 9 months of age if an adopter is intending to declaw the cat. CATS WILL OFTEN STOP USING THE LITTERBOX AFTER BEING DECLAWED. WE WILL NOT ACCEPT RETURNS OF CATS THAT HAVE BEEN DECLAWED.
5. Cats or kittens are adopted for inside pets only.
Is there a pet you are particularly interested in? If so, what is the pet's name?
How did you hear about Texas Litter Control?
Your First Name
Your Last Name
Your Age
Your Email Address
Your Address
Zip Code
Cell Phone Number
Home Phone Number
Work Phone Number
Do you Own or Rent/Lease?
We welcome adopters who rent or live in an apartment/condo. We want to alert you that some landlords and management companies have size and breed restrictions, limits on number of pets, and or require pet deposits or additional fees. Please check with your landlord and make sure you can meet these requirements before adopting a pet.
Are you planning on moving soon?
How many adults live in your household?
How many children are living in your household?
What are the ages of all children living in your household?
List all other pets living with you. Include species, breed, and age of each pet.
Are all of the cats and dogs living with you spayed or neutered?
Why did you decide to adopt a pet today?
What do you want the pet for? (Check all that apply.)
House Pet
Family Pet
Company for Another Pet
Barn Cat
Guard Dog
Companion for Elderly Family Member
Child's Pet
Where will the cat be living?
Indoors and Outdoors
Do you plan on declawing the cat?
Not Applicable, I'm adopting a dog.
How long do you think it will take a new pet to adjust to your home?
Do you have a pet door?
If the pet becomes seriously ill or injured and needs extensive veterinary care, what would you do?
What would you do if the pet exhibits destructive behavior?
Where do you intend on placing the litter box?
How much do you anticipate spending yearly on this pet? (Food, toys, medical care, grooming and other expenses.)
Check additonal topics you would like to discuss?
Pet Food Selection
House Training
Grooming/Nail Trimming
Puppy/Kitten Proofing Your Home
Introducing This Pet to Other Pets
Finding a Veterinarian
Moving with Pets
Flea/Tick Prevention
Heartworm Prevention
Is there anything else you would like to discuss with us?
What would you do if you could no longer care for this pet?
I certify that the above information is true and understand that any false information provided may result in denial of this application. By signing, you are consenting to allow Texas Litter Control (TLC) to contact your Veterinarian for all pet history and your landlord to verify the pet deposit has been paid in full. This applicaiton is property of TLC. TLC reserves the right to decline any adoption for any reason.
Adoption Application 112019