Animal Surrender Form

Please complete this form as fully as you can - fields marked * are required. Once complete hit the Submit button at the bottom of the page.
The information you provide here will help us to get to know your animal better and enable us to provide them with the best possible care when they arrive.

Section 1 - Your Details

Section 2 - Animal's Details

Please provide proof of neutering - your vet will able to help with this
Please provide proof of vaccination - a photo of their vaccination card or vet record is sufficient for this
Please provide details of any health issues they have, including details of any medication they are on. This is to enable us to continue with their ongoing care with minimal disruption. We may need to request a copy of their records from your vet - we would always ask your permission first.
Please tell us anything you think would be useful to help us get to know them better - their personality, likes/dislikes, their current living environment (e.g. indoor/outdoor) or their life experiences (e.g are they used to children or other animals).

Section 3 - Surrender Details

Please indicate if your situation is particularly urgent or if you have a specific deadline when your pet must be rehomed by

Section 4 - Declaration

Please read and confirm that you understand the terms and conditions of surrender below, and then sign and date this form

Registered Charity No: 1199101
Fluffy Butts Rescue is run entirely by volunteers and we rely on donations to care for our animals. We do not charge a fee when we take in surrendered animals, however any donation towards their future care would be appreciated
Our bank details are: Natwest Bank | Sort Code: 01-01-38 | Account No: 25436945