Animal you are interested in adopting
Appa (Cat - S2024024)
Baby (Cat - R2024026)
Baloo (Cat - K2024190)
Batman (Cat - K2025005)
Beans (Cat - K2024195)
Beautiful (Cat - S2024022)
Beck (Cat - S2024162)
Black Jade (Cat - S2023173)
Blueberry (Cat - S2023026)
Calliope (Cat - S2023104)
Carrie (Cat - S2022123)
Chloie (Cat - A2022022)
Christmas (Cat - S2024168)
Cirrus (Cat - S2024150)
Clarice (Cat - S2021116)
Cosmo (Cat - S2024137)
Daisy (Cat - A2024018)
Dallas (Cat - S2024107)
Dig Dug (Cat - K2025006)
Evan (Cat - S2022127)
Ezra (Cat - S2023190)
Fall (Cat - S2024134)
Freddy (Cat - S2018026)
Fredrika (Cat - R2022045)
Frogger (Cat - K2025007)
Garfunkel (Cat - S2024161)
Gina Marie (Cat - S2023123)
Ginger 2.0 (Cat - S2021245)
Glen (Cat - S2022207)
Green Lantern (Cat - K2025002)
Hamlet (Cat - S2022311)
Hattie (Cat - S2024052)
Henry (Cat - S2021247)
Hillary (Cat - S2021065)
Houdini (Cat - K2023135)
Huey (Cat - K2023131)
Jack Sparrow (Cat - S2025002)
Jackie (Cat - K2021261)
Jasmine (Cat - S2024001)
Jemma (Cat - K2024114)
Jenny (Cat - S2023112)
John Luke (Cat - R2025002)
Johnny (Cat - S2024105)
Kitty (Cat - S2024120)
Lady Grey (Cat - R2022018)
Little Bear (Cat - K2019276)
Little Girlie (Cat - S2023055)
Luna aka Kia (Cat - S2022113)
Lunabella (Cat - S2024031)
Madusa (Cat - S2024177)
Mama Lou (Cat - S2025012)
Mama Pretty Girl (Cat - S2024042)
Mara (Cat - K2024070)
March (Cat - K2023052)
Marcy (Cat - S2022048)
Mario (Cat - K2025008)
Maya (Cat - A2023001)
Mel (Cat - S2022092)
Melania (Cat - S2019072)
Minerva (Cat - S2022285)
Miss Mew (Cat - S2022261)
Molly (Cat - S2021184)
Momma Mia (Cat - S2021099)
Moss (Cat - S2019097)
Muffin aka Paige (Cat - S2024118)
Nala (Cat - K2024186)
Nanny (Cat - S2024167)
Nerine (Cat - S2024060)
Nibbles (Cat - S2024048)
Nicky (Cat - K2024219)
Nikita (Cat - S2024159)
Nimbus (Cat - S2024151)
Noir (Cat - K2024074)
Norma Jeane (Cat - S2024011)
Nyx (Cat - K2024081)
Oliver (Cat - S2020118)
Ophelia (Cat - S2022218)
Osee (Cat - S2019173)
Paddie (Cat - K2024197)
Pauly (Cat - S2022040)
Peets (Cat - S2024139)
Penny (Cat - K2024196)
Peone (Cat - S2022216)
Persephone (Cat - S2024111)
Poison Ivy (Cat - K2025003)
Princess P (Cat - S2022337)
Pudding Pop (Cat - A2024014)
Queen B aka Miss Miserable (Cat - S2021319)
Quinlan (Cat - S2024138)
Raspy (Cat - R2024030)
Raven II (Cat - S2023074)
Rudy (Cat - S2021284)
Ryan (Cat - S2023134)
Shale (Cat - S2024122)
Silverbell (Cat - S2025001)
Simba Jr (Cat - S2025015)
Simon (Cat - S2024160)
Sindy (Cat - A2024020)
Sir Charles (Cat - S2025008)
Spooky (Cat - K2020203)
Stardust (Cat - S2022079)
Stephanie (Cat - S2024140)
Stewart (Cat - K2019189)
Superman (Cat - K2025004)
Tiana (Cat - K2016155)
Tiger with a T (Cat - S2022242)
Tilly (Cat - R2024027)
Tinker (Cat - R2024029)
Tobie (October) (Cat - K2023059)
Twilight (Cat - S2024054)
Venus (Cat - S2024123)
Walli (Cat - F2021001)
Wanda Moma Cat (Cat - S2022126)
Warrick (Cat - S2021007)
Willie (Cat - S2025007)
Wonka (Cat - S2025006)
Woodsy (Cat - S2024163)
Applicant's First Name *
Applicant's Last Name *
Spouse/Companion First and Last Name
Street Address *
Apartment Number (if applicable)
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Home Phone Number (Please use the following format 248-555-1212) *
Please use the following format 248-555-1212
Cell Phone Number
Email Address *
Please enter correctly as this is the main way we will contact you
Date of Birth *
Have you adopted from Focus on Ferals before?
No Yes
How did you find out about us?
Internet Search
Have you applied anywhere else for a pet?
No Yes
If yes, where else have you applied for a pet?
Is this pet for you or someone else?
Do you own other pets at the current time?
No Yes
If yes, please list their names, breeds, and ages.
Are all of your pets spayed/neutered/fixed?
How many pets have you owned in the last 5-10 years?
What happened to them?
Are your pets current on their vaccinations?
Have you ever surrendered your dog or cat to a shelter or rescue organization?
No Yes
If yes, please explain?
Veterinarian's Name (If you have never owned a pet please tell us where you would go) *
If you have never owned a pet please tell us where you would go.
Veterinarian's Address, City, State, and Zip Code (Again, if you have never owned a pet please list where you would go
Again if you have never owned a pet please list where you would go
Veterinarian's Phone Number *
Have you ever had a pet euthanized?
No Yes
If yes, please explain:
How do you feel about having pets spayed/neutered?
Not Sure
If you have never owned a cat before, have you familiarized yourself about cat behavior and needs?
No Yes
If yes, please explain:
Are you willing to allow your new pet a minimum of 30 days to adjust to your current pets and/or his/her new environment?
No Yes
Please check the main reason you plan to adopt a pet:
Family Pet
Child's Pet Guard Dog
Companion for another pet
If you answered "other" above, please explain here:
Please describe in detail the pet you are looking for.
Do you own or rent your home?
Someone else owns the Home
Someone else rents the Home
Please select your current residence type.
Mobile Home
If you answered "other" above, please explain here:
How long have you lived at this address?
Less than one month
1-2 months
3-6 months
6-9 months
9-12 months
1-2 years
3-5 years
6-10 years
10 + years
If you rent, does your landlord and lease allow pets?
If you rent or do not own the residence where your new pet will be living, provide your landlord’s or the owner’s name and contact number.
Including yourself, how many people live in your household?
Please list the ages & relationship of those who live in your home.
Is everyone in your household aware that you are planning to adopt a pet?
Does anyone in your household have allergies to cats?
Employment Status
Work from Home
Stay at Home Parent
If you chose "other" above, please explain:
If you are employed, what is your current occupation?
How much do you think the annual medical bills will be for your pet?
About $100
$100 - $200
$200 - $300
$300 - $500
$500 +
What would you do if the bills went over this amount?
Will this pet be living inside, outside, or both?
Please explain:
Where will the animal sleep?
In bed with me
In bed with my child
In a dog / cat bed
In a kennel / crate
Wherever he or she likes
If you answered "other" above, please explain:
Will you be trimming nails, have your new kitty declawed or providing various scratching posts? *
Trimming nails
Scratching posts
Have you ever been convicted of abuse or neglect of a child or animal? *
No Yes
If yes, please explain:
What arrangements will you make for the care of your pets in case of an emergency?
Leave with family/friend
Pet Sitter
Take with me/us
If you answered "other" above, please explain:
What will you do with the animal when you go on vacation?
Leave with family/friend
Pet sitter
Take with me/us
If you answered "other" above, please explain:
For what reason(s) would you consider surrendering the animal back to Focus on Ferals?
What would you do with your animal if you had to move?
Take him / her with me
Give to family or friend
Return to shelter
If you answered "other" above, please explain:
Are you willing to take responsibility for this animal for the next 10-20 years?
No Yes
If no, please explain:
Will you allow us to perform home checks?
No Yes
I have read the foregoing and certify that the answers I have given are complete, true and not misleading in any way. I am authorizing you to contact landlords, associations and veterinarians. You are also aware that we cannot guarantee the health and temperament of the animal. *
I certify that I am at least 21 years old and by law able to enter into a legal binding contract
Today’s Date *