Foster Carer Application Form

Forever Friends Animal Rescue Logo

Thanks so much for your interest in joining our Foster Carer Team!

Foster carers provide a vital and highly-valued service to our four-legged friends: every rescue pet in foster care is another life saved, and you receive the companionship of a very grateful pet. It's a Win-Win!

We are available to assist 24/7 with your foster pets, and have experienced behaviourists on hand should you need any help at all.

Please fill out the below foster application and read the terms and conditions. Once we have received and assessed your application, we then do a standard yard inspection. This can be done in person or online.

Please only fill in this form if you are available NOW.

Your Details

Please use the following format 248-555-1212
This is the most common way we communicate with our volunteers
If you're under 18 please get permission from a guardian

Your Family

House Details

About You

This is confidential

Animal History

Animal Fostering

Please select which animals you are interested in fostering.

Emergency Contact

Which of the following are you able to assist with in addition to fostering?

Driving animals to and from places
The Sanctuary is 90 minutes drive from the CBD near Warburton, and volunteers must be able to commit to attending fortnightly


If you become a foster carer with Forever Friends Animal Rescue, you will be responsible for the safety and wellbeing of that animal. Do you agree to let FFAR know at once should you have any problems with your foster animal(s) so we can assist you, please contact your Case Manager, a Committee member immediately by email, private message on Facebook or phone, or 0412 618 718

Foster Carer Agreement

Understanding between the parties
  1. My services are provided strictly in a voluntary capacity as a volunteer, and without any express or implied promise of salary, compensation or other payment of any kind whatsoever.
  2. I understand that Forever Friends Animal Rescue will be responsible for all veterinary fees but that I must consult the organisation before taking my foster pet to any vet, so they can nominate our pre-approved vet clinics, unless it is an emergency.
  3. My services are furnished without any employment-type benefits, including employment insurance programs, worker’s compensation accrual in any form, holiday or sick leave.
  4. I understand that Forever Friends Animal Rescue may terminate my services as a volunteer at any time at its discretion.
  5. I understand that I am personally responsible for any and all financial expenses that I incur while fostering pets for Forever Friends Animal Rescue unless otherwise agreed in writing. Although Forever Friends Animal Rescue may reimburse my expenses, I agree that each expense must be supported by receipts and must be pre-approved by the Foster Coordinator / Case Manager. I accept full responsibility for any expenses incurred by me that fall outside of approved expenditures.
  6. I understand and agree that FFFAR will provide donations for foster animal food, litter and essentials where possible, but that I may have to purchase my own when stock is low
  7. I agree to maintain and house the animal under the conditions of the Domestic Animals Act 1994 and meet all council bylaws, including registering my foster pet with my local council.

Custody and rehoming of foster pet
  1. I understand that my role is solely as a temporary home for a foster pet, and that although my opinion regarding the match between the foster pet and potential adopters is very important given my relationship with and knowledge of my foster pet, the ultimate placement of any pets I foster will be conducted by Forever Friends Animal Rescue. It is Forever Friends Animal Rescue's responsibility to review, interview and ultimately approve potential adopters.
  2. Accordingly, I acknowledge that any foster pet is the property of Forever Friends Animal Rescue and I will return the foster pet to Forever Friends Animal Rescue if I am requested to do so.
  3. I fully understand that Forever Friends Animal Rescue expects high standards of moral and ethical treatment of the animals under its care. I will adhere strictly to these standards in my capacity as a volunteer.
  4. I will remember in all my dealings with the public as a foster volunteer that members of the public will consider my words and actions to be representative of the attitudes and positions of Forever Friends Animal Rescue as an organisation. I understand that as an individual, I am not authorised to speak for Forever Friends Animal Rescue, nor can I enter into any agreements on behalf of Forever Friends Animal Rescue.
  5. I understand and support the mission of Forever Friends Animal Rescue, which is to provide shelter and care for animals in need; to provide programs and services that enhance the bond between animals and people; and to be advocates for animals as they cannot speak for themselves.
  6. I agree to not leave a Forever Friends Animal Rescue foster pet in anyone else’s care unless that person is pre-approved by the Foster Coordinator / Case Manager of Forever Friends Animal Rescue.
  7. I agree not to let my foster dog off-lead at any time including fenced parks.
  8. I agree to not take any other pets into my care or home (short or long term) during the time I am actively fostering for Forever Friends Animal Rescue without the approval of Forever Friends Animal Rescue.
  9. I understand that Forever Friends Animal Rescue cannot guarantee or be held responsible for the temperament, behavior, or health of foster pets that I may handle. I am aware that foster pets may cause damage to my personal property, other pets, and humans. I will keep dogs securely housed at all times while in my care.

Release of Foster Pet

I understand that the handling of animals and other volunteer activities may place me in a hazardous situation and could result in injury to me or my personal property. On behalf of myself, and my heirs’ personal representatives and assigns, I hereby release, discharge, indemnify and hold harmless Forever Friends Animal Rescue and its directors, officers, employees and agents from any and all claims, causes of action and demands of any nature, whether known or unknown, arising out of or in connection with my volunteer activities.


By signing below, I hereby accept a position as a volunteer foster carer for Forever Friends Animal Rescue, upon the above terms, conditions and understandings. I hereby acknowledge the above terms and conditions and agree to abide by them during the entire time I am fostering pets for Forever Friends Animal Rescue. I also acknowledge that this Agreement forms the basis of my relationship with Forever Friends Animal Rescue in a volunteer capacity.

Moving Animals

Before welcoming a dog/cat into your home, it's important to understand that this is a significant commitment. We ask that you commit to caring for the foster for at least a few weeks. Due to the nature of our work, it is not feasible for us to move dogs/cats quickly between homes. Frequent moves place undue stress on the foster and creates challenges for our team. If you encounter any issues during this period, we can connect you with our experienced behaviorist.
