Adoption Application

Guardian Angels Cat Rescue and Adoption Shelter tries to make the best match between cat and family. Submitting an application does not necessarily guarantee approval for a particular cat. We have many cats that are in need of loving, indoor homes. If you are not approved for adoption here, please consider rescuing a cat from Animal Services.

About You

Use N. S. E. or W.

Your Home

Person of company responsible for decisions regarding pets living in the domicile.
Your rental agreement may specify a per pet deposit, and in some cases, "pet rent." Guardian Angels reserves the right to contact your landlord/lady to ensure that they consent to a pet being housed at the domicile.
Adopting a cat is a great responsibility. You will be sharing your life with your cat for up to 20 years. Your cat is totally dependent on you for food, shelter, cleaning and veterinary care. This involves a financial commitment from a few to hundreds of dollars a year.
Please note: We may receive multiple applications for the same cat. If your application is approved but the cat desired has already been placed, PLEASE consider adopting another. We have many wonderful cats that all need good, indoor homes.

By signing this application you consent to allow a Guardian Angels Cat Rescue & Adoption Shelter representative to contact your veterinarian to obtain your previous pet history. You also consent to allow Guardian Angels Cat Rescue & Adoption Shelter representative to contact your landlord/landlady to confirm the pet policy in your rented home if applicable.

I certify that all the information contained within this application is true and, I understand that false or misleading information may void this and all future applications.

Check all entries for accuracy, then press the "Submit" button ONLY ONCE.
If you do not receive a confirmation email after you hit Submit, please re-submit your application.