GFAR Foster Application
Applicant First Name
Applicant Last Name
Email address
Phone number
Street Address
Postal code
Type of animal you want to foster
adult cat
adult dog
pregnant cat
mom and kittens
Do you have a Facebook Account you are willing to us while fostering for GFAR?
Do you have a vehicle?
Including yourself how many people live in the household? Please list the ages and relationship of those who live in the home.
Please provide a brief description of your lifestyle
Do you have a spare room where the animal(s) can be kept separate?
Are there other animals in the home? If yes please list them
If there are other animals in the home are they fully vaccinated and spay/neutered?
Have you fostered for another rescue/ organization in the past?
If yes, which rescue and when was the last time you fostered with them?
Are you currently fostering for another rescue/ organization?
If yes, which rescue are you fostering for?
Personal reference 1 name and relationship (non-family member)
Personal reference 1 phone number
Personal reference 2 name and relationship (non-family member)
Personal reference 2 phone number
Please provide your weekly availability for vet appointments (this is just so we can have an idea on when you could go to appointments, we will ALWAYS confirm with you before booking with our vet clinics)
Please tell us about your experience with animals so we can find you a foster animal that is the best fit
Please provide any additional info you feel would be beneficial for our team to know.