Contact Information
Enter your first name.
Enter your last name.
Use the format: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Enter the email address you entered when you completed your application.
Your House and Street/Neighborhood
Standing at your front door, take a picture of the street/neighborhood directly in front of you. Make sure the picture is wide enough to get a good idea about the area you live in.
Stand at the edge of your front yard looking back at your house and take a photo. Make sure the picture is wide enough to see the entire front of your house.
Your Backyard
Take these pictures standing at your back door.
Standing at your back door, take a photo of the left side of your backyard. Make sure the picture is wide enough to get a good idea about the left side of your back yard. If you overlap with the center of your backyard, don't worry.
Standing at your back door, take a photo of the center area of your backyard. Make sure the picture is wide enough to get a good idea about the center of your back yard. If you overlap with the left or right of your backyard, don't worry.
Standing at your back door, take a photo of the right side of your backyard. Make sure the picture is wide enough to get a good idea about the right side of your back yard. If you overlap with the center of your backyard, don't worry.
Your Gates
Take a photo of your gate. Stand far enough away when you take the picture that we can get an idea about the gate and the fencing next to it on both sides.
Take a photo of your gate. Stand far enough away when you take the picture that we can get an idea about the gate and the fencing next to it on both sides.
Take a photo of your gate. Stand far enough away when you take the picture that we can get an idea about the gate and the fencing next to it on both sides.
Take a photo of your gate. Stand far enough away when you take the picture that we can get an idea about the gate and the fencing next to it on both sides.
Take a photo of your gate. Stand far enough away when you take the picture that we can get an idea about the gate and the fencing next to it on both sides.
Dog's Sleeping & Crate Area
Standing in a door way, take a picture of the area where your dog will be regularly sleeping.
Standing in a door way, take a picture of the area where your dog's crate will be located.
Your Current Pets
Take a photo of your pets. If you can get them all in one picture, great. If not, you can add another photo below.
If you couldn't get all your pets in one picture, you can attach a second picture here.
Your Family
Take a photo of everyone who lives in your home. It must include everyone...if they live with you, they must be in the picture.
CommentsEnter anything here that you'd like us to know about your photos, your home, your fence, your gates, etc.
Any additional comments?
By submitting this Virtual Home Visit online I do hereby verify that all photos are of the home where the adopted dog would be domiciled. I further acknowledge that submission of this Virtual Home Visit is no guarantee of being approved for adoption.
If you are using a phone or tablet to complete this application, simply sign your name below. If you are using a computer, use your mouse to write your name below.
Select the date you submitted this document.
Click submit once. It may take up to 30 seconds for the screen to change. Do not click submit more than once.