Dog Adoption Application

Thank you for your interest in adopting a dog from Turtle Mountain Animal Rescue. Please read the following closely and answer the following questions. 

Applicant is under no obligation to adopt a dog, and Turtle Mountain Animal Rescue is under no obligation to provide a dog to applicant. TMAR reviews all applications and will pick the applicant that is the best fit for the dog.  Dogs may be suggested to the applicant based on this application and may differ from dogs requested if we believe that a different dog would be a better match.

Once you have adopted you will be asked to arrange appropriate transportation to pick up your dog up at it’s foster home or an agreed upon meeting place. This arrangment must be done within 7 days of adoption.   We do not provide transportation to adopted homes.

Please let your references know that we will be calling. Adoptions will not be approved without completed reference checks. TMAR reserves the right to request additional references and complete a background check.

Please know that we are a 100% volunteer organization and it may take a few days to a few weeks to fully process your application,   Once an adoption advocate has reached out to you, you will have 2 weeks to provide all asked for documents. Please note that all applicants are required to go through a live interview and home visit before being approved to adopt dogs.

If you rent, please have a copy of your pet policy in hand BEFORE you apply. If you have an ESA letter or service animals letter, make sure your management company honors it BEFORE you apply. If you have current pets, please contact your vet for an up to date shot record and proof of spay/neuter. DO NOT APPLY IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THESE DOCUMENTS IN HAND.

By filling out this application I certify that I am 21 years of age or older.   I own my own home or have a rental agreement under my name.

Please use the following format 248-555-1212
Please enter correctly as this is our primary method of contact.
If you have never owned a pet please tell us where you would go.
Again if you have never owned a pet please list where you would go

Adequate Care: Adopter agrees to provide proper and sufficient food, water, shelter and kind treatment for the dog at all times.

Dog will have indoor living quarters in a temperature-controlled portion of the home and will receive adequate, supervised daily exercise.

Adopter will arrange for adequate care for the dog when leaving for an extended period and will not leave dog crated for more than 8 hours hours at a time, except at bedtime.

Dog will not be used, given away, or sold for the purpose of experimentation or fighting.

Adjustment Period: Adopter agrees to give adequate time (minimum of 3 weeks) for the dog to adjust to his or her new surroundings.

If a problem should arise are you willing to consult a certified dog trainer/behaviorist?

Hold Harmless: Adopter accepts the dog as is and assume all risk of ownership of the dog, including risk of injury or damage caused by the dog, including bites.

Adopter understands that Rescue cannot predict what medical or temperament problems a dog may have in his or her lifetime and accepts sole responsibility for any illness or injury occurring after adoption.

Adopter will assert no claim, charge, or demand of any kind against the Rescue or its agents for any expenses that have been incurred by the ADOPTER, including veterinary fees, in connection with the dog once the adoption is finalized.

Spay/Neuter agreement:

If the animal is not spayed/neutered at the time of adoption. The Adopter agrees to spay/neuter within 4 months of an adult dog and 1 year of a puppy.

1) Adopter agrees to provide TMAR with a veterinarian’s letter of spay/neuter. This can be emailed to

2) Adopter assumes all financial responsibility with the Vet of their choice. TMAR will provide a $25 rebate when the adopter provides proof of spay/neuter in the form of vet records to the In the appropriate time frame.

3) If adopter fails to spay/neuter within the given time frame TMAR has the right to terminate ownership of the dog.

Transfer of Ownership:

Adopter agrees not sell, abandon, or give the dog away.

If the adopter can no longer keep the dog, adopter agrees to contact the rescue first to see if TMAR can help you with rehoming.

Adopter agrees that if they do surrender a dog back to TMAR that they forfeit any adoptions fees and must sign an owner surrender agreement. TMAR may also require a certified trainer or behaviorist to assess the dog before any decision can be made in future placement of said dog.

Release of Liability:

I fully and completely release Turtle Mountain Animal Rescue and its agents/volunteers harmless from any claim, cause, or demand as a result of my adoption, ownership, care, maintenance or retention of the dog.

Rescue Protocol and Failure to Comply with this Agreement:

Adopter will inform Rescue of any address and/or telephone change in the event of a move up to one year.

Adopter may receive periodic follow-up telephone calls and inspections from the Rescue to be assured of compliance to all terms of this agreement.

If the terms and conditions of this Adoption Agreement are not upheld, Rescue reserves the right to terminate the agreement and to reclaim the dog at any point with no legal commitment to any monetary refund.

No refund will be made. Adoption fees are final.

By filling out this form and typing in my name I agree that my typed name is the equivalent of a binding signature.

It may take us up to 1-3 weeks to process your application, as we will check in with your veterinarian and references before we get back to you. Please note that all applicants are required to go through a live interview and home visit before being a final adoption is approved.

If you are approved to adopt a TMAR dog but did not get the dog you initially requested, we will keep your application on file for 1 year. Should a dog come up for adoption in the future, you do not need to re-apply, just send us an email to stating that you are pre-approved and would like to be considered for a specific dog.