-0007 B 🇬🇧 Cat Foster Carer Contract 💙🐱
Email address
GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) - If you wish to be contacted by us via email
please select the email option
and any other means by which you agree to be contacted by.
I understand that I can easily opt-out at any time.
NIE / Passport number
Mobile number
Please include country code. eg. +34
Do you have cats of your own?
Has any of your cats ever tested positive for Fiv (Feline immunodeficiency virus)?
You might still be able to foster for us, but understandably we can not allow for Fiv- cats to mix with Fiv+ ones.
Please select the name(s) of the cat(s) you would like to foster.
Apolo (Cat - 🐈2024189)
Barney (Cat - C2024028)
Bebe (Cat - 🐈2024187)
Carapan (Cat - C2024023)
Flash (Cat - C2019259)
Fred (Cat - C2022028)
Hummi (Cat - C2023170)
Iris (Cat - C2025038)
Ludwig Van (Cat - C2024223)
Mila (Cat - C2024172)
Miyabi (Cat - C2025009)
Nanao (Cat - C2025004)
Olivia (Cat - C2024231)
Pelusa (Cat - C2024173)
Percy (Cat - C2022027)
Reiko (Cat - C2025005)
Roscoe (Cat - 🐈2024185)
Sam (Cat - 🐈2024186)
Sunny (Cat - C2024011)
Tiger Lily (Cat - C2025037)
Yusei (Cat - C2025008)
Apolo (Cat - 🐈2024189)
Barney (Cat - C2024028)
Bebe (Cat - 🐈2024187)
Carapan (Cat - C2024023)
Flash (Cat - C2019259)
Fred (Cat - C2022028)
Hummi (Cat - C2023170)
Iris (Cat - C2025038)
Ludwig Van (Cat - C2024223)
Mila (Cat - C2024172)
Miyabi (Cat - C2025009)
Nanao (Cat - C2025004)
Olivia (Cat - C2024231)
Pelusa (Cat - C2024173)
Percy (Cat - C2022027)
Reiko (Cat - C2025005)
Roscoe (Cat - 🐈2024185)
Sam (Cat - 🐈2024186)
Sunny (Cat - C2024011)
Tiger Lily (Cat - C2025037)
Yusei (Cat - C2025008)
Apolo (Cat - 🐈2024189)
Barney (Cat - C2024028)
Bebe (Cat - 🐈2024187)
Carapan (Cat - C2024023)
Flash (Cat - C2019259)
Fred (Cat - C2022028)
Hummi (Cat - C2023170)
Iris (Cat - C2025038)
Ludwig Van (Cat - C2024223)
Mila (Cat - C2024172)
Miyabi (Cat - C2025009)
Nanao (Cat - C2025004)
Olivia (Cat - C2024231)
Pelusa (Cat - C2024173)
Percy (Cat - C2022027)
Reiko (Cat - C2025005)
Roscoe (Cat - 🐈2024185)
Sam (Cat - 🐈2024186)
Sunny (Cat - C2024011)
Tiger Lily (Cat - C2025037)
Yusei (Cat - C2025008)
Apolo (Cat - 🐈2024189)
Barney (Cat - C2024028)
Bebe (Cat - 🐈2024187)
Carapan (Cat - C2024023)
Flash (Cat - C2019259)
Fred (Cat - C2022028)
Hummi (Cat - C2023170)
Iris (Cat - C2025038)
Ludwig Van (Cat - C2024223)
Mila (Cat - C2024172)
Miyabi (Cat - C2025009)
Nanao (Cat - C2025004)
Olivia (Cat - C2024231)
Pelusa (Cat - C2024173)
Percy (Cat - C2022027)
Reiko (Cat - C2025005)
Roscoe (Cat - 🐈2024185)
Sam (Cat - 🐈2024186)
Sunny (Cat - C2024011)
Tiger Lily (Cat - C2025037)
Yusei (Cat - C2025008)
In agreeing to foster the above animal, I agree to the following:
To bring the animal to the shelter whenever requested to do so, with notice.
To bring the animal to the shelter for vaccinations or medical treatment if asked to do so.
At times it may be necessary for the animal to go to a vet for vaccinations, in which case this will be arranged by the Foster Coordinator.
To contact the PAWS-PATAS shelter immediately if there is a problem with the animal's behaviour or medical condition.
In case of a medical emergency, call a PAWS-PATAS vet or your local vet and notify the Foster Coordinator.
Not to rehome, give away, transfer foster care or release the animal.
If I decide to adopt the animal myself, I will inform the Foster Coordinator at PAWS-PATAS immediately.
To abide by the adoption conditions if I change from Foster carer to Adopter.
If the animal has already been reserved for adoption then I understand I will not be able to keep the animal.
By ticking the box below, I agree to abide by items 1 to 8 set out above,
In return, PAWS PATAS agrees to the following:
To provide adequate food for the animal on a regular basis if necessary.
To provide all bedding, leads, collars, toys etc. If necessary.
To provide adequate veterinary care, medication and vaccinations.
To search for a permanent adoption as soon as possible.
To take the animal back if the foster carer is experiencing any problems.
To inform the fosterer immediately when the animal has been reserved for adoption.