Intake Form
First Name
Last Name
Upload a photo of your driver license or photo identification here.
Phone Number
Zip Code
How did you hear about Tiny Miracles Kitten Rescue?
How long have you had the kitten(s) in your care?
What county did you find the kitten in?
Did you make an attempt to locate the mother and siblings?
Is this cat sick or injured? Does it have noticeable issues? If yes, please explain.
Tell us a little bit about how you came across the kittens
Have you reached out to a local shelter? If yes, which one(s)?
How old do you think the kitten(s) are?
Are they eating food on their own and drinking water?
Do they look clean and taken care of?
How many kitten(s) are in the litter?
Have any kitten(s) from the litter passed away? If so, how many?
Do the kitten(s) enjoy being picked up or held?
Please explain why you need a rescue to step in and help.
Would you be interested in fostering the cat? TMKR would cover medical costs.
Please include an image of the kitten(s). Make sure the image is bright and clear and shows the kittens face
Please attach additional image if needed.
I understand I am surrendering this cat/kittens to Tiny Miracles Kitten Rescue. I will no longer have any rights to above kitten/s and will be required to go through the standard adoption process once they become available, if interested in keeping any.