Animal Interested In
Applicant Information
Household Information
Pet History
List all the pets you have owned in the last 5 years, alive or deceased
Pet #1
Pet #2
Pet #3
Pet #4
Pet #5
Veterinarian Records Acknowlwedgement
Please check this field to acknowledge that YOU must
contact your veterianarian in order to arrange your
current or past pet records to be sent to or be discussed
with the Michigan Anti-Cruelty Society. Veterinarians will
not release or discuss these reocrds without the owner's
* |
Tell us more about you
How much do you think you will spend YEARLY basis for veterinary care for your pet?
What would you do with your pet if you had to move?
When could a representative from the Michigan Anti-Cruelty Society contact you after the adoption to check on your pets well-being?
Please contact your verterinarian and have them
email us a copy of your pet's vaccine history to within 2 business days of
submission of this application
I acknowledge that the information provided in this
application is true and accurate. Furthermore, any
falsification of any information provided may result
in the denial of your application. I also understand
that the completion of this application does not
guarantee adoption of the animal.
Please sign.