Dog(s) you are interested in fostering:
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Home Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Home Phone *
Cell Phone
Work Phone
Best Time to Call/Text
Are You Over 21 Years Old? *
No Yes
Hours Worked Per Week *
Members of Household: Please list names, relationship and age. *
Is everyone living in the household in agreement about fostering the dog? *
No Yes
Do you anticipate any changes in your household in the next year? Check all that apply. *
New Baby
Move to an Apartment
Move to a House
Job Changes
Military Service/Deployment
If other, please explain.
Please list any current pets you have: name, type, age, spayed or neutered, length of time owned *
Are your current pets ALL up-to-date on vaccinations ? Please note - copies of vet records will be required. *
No Yes
Veterinarian's name/clinic and phone number *
What brand of heartworm prevention are your current dogs on? *
Do your other pets get along with dogs? *
Are you willing to have your current dog(s) meet the new dog? *
Have you had any other pets in your adult life?
No Yes
If yes, how long did you own them and what happened to them?
What kind of traits are you looking for in a dog?
What do you consider undesirable traits? *
What breed/mix and/or weight do you prefer? *
Do you have prior experience with certain breeds or special needs pets during your childhood or as an adult? If yes, please explain:
What is the activity level of the dog you are looking for?
If any, what gender do you prefer? And why? *
Would you be willing to house train / crate train your foster(s)? *
Yes, if necessary
No, needs to be housetrained already
Do you need for your foster to be good with children? *
No Yes
What type of home do you live in? *
If other, please explain:
Do you own or lease? *
If leasing, do you have permission to have a pet? (Proof of pet deposit and / or landlord approval will be required)
No Yes
If leasing, are you aware of any pet restrictions? If yes, please explain
Landlord's name and phone number
If in a house, is there a yard that is completely fenced? *
No Yes
If yes, what type of fence is it? Check all that apply:
Chain Link
Wood Privacy
Farm Fencing or Welded Wire
Electric/Invisible Fencing
Wrought Iron
If other, please describe:
What is the height of the fence?
What is the size of your fenced yard?
Do you have a swimming pool? *
Yes (Fenced)
Yes (Unfenced)
Whose responsibility will it be to feed, water and care for the dog? *
How many hours a day will the dog be alone (i.e. without an adult)? *
How much time a day do you plan on spending with the dog (including couch time, petting, simple obedience/play, roaming the house with you, etc) ? *
What activities do you plan to share with the dog (walking, running, swimming, playing w/ toys, etc)?
What training are you interested in doing with the dog?
Leash Walks
Basic Obedience
Advanced Obedience
Therapy Dog
Where will the dog be kept during the day? Check all that apply: *
Inside the House
Day Care
Fenced Yard
Kennel or Run
Loose in Unfenced Area
If other, please explain:
Where will the dog be kept at night? Check all that apply: *
Inside the House
Fenced Yard
In a Kennel or Run
Loose in Unfenced Area
If other, please explain:
How will you transport the dog? *
Loose in Car
Seat belted in Car
Crated in Car
Inside Cab of Truck
What brand of food will the dog eat?
Are you willing to take on a foster with medical needs (such as 1-2 months crate rest for heartworm treatment or a surgery) AND/OR a special needs dog (deaf, blind, anxiety issues, missing leg, dog aggression, etc) ?
No Yes
Are you able to attend two Meet & Greet adoption events a month? These gatherings are the best way show our adoptable dogs. At least one is required OR two for half the 3 hour event. *
No Yes
What will you do if the dog displays bad behavior such as barking, digging, chewing, etc? *