Owner Wishes and Emergency Information

*** This is NOT a legal document ***

*** Please consult with your attorney for all estate planning questions ***

At EBR, we believe that exotic birds make great companions, but also recognize many birds will outlive their owners, and can pose additional concern during emergency situations. We appreciate that you are taking the time to plan ahead in the event you are no longer able to care for your bird.

We will keep a copy of this form on file, but we also recommend that you share it with your attorney, family or friends, as well as keep a copy somewhere easily accessible in an emergency situation.

Bird's Identification
Do you know the bird's exact hatch date?
Please provide photos of the bird.
Band description and number:
Cage and Housing Information
Dietary Information
Behaviors and Preferences
Unknown, or has not been around | Comfortable | Tolerates | Aggressive | Fearful
Emergency Contact Information

In the event of an emergency, please contact the following people to care for my bird.

Primary Emergency Contact
Secondary Emergency Contact
Attorney or Legal Representative

I would like my Emergency Contacts and/or Exotic Bird Rescue to take ownership and care of my bird in the event I am unable to care for them any longer, whether due to emergency or death. Please keep my bird's belongings (cage, dishes, playstand and toys) with them to help make the transition into a new home easier.

After an emergency situation where the bird is returned to me, I agree to reimburse Exotic Bird Rescue for reasonable expenses of caring for the Bird, such as veterinary care, food, toys, boarding, and overhead expenses.

Exotic Bird Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and health of exotic birds through education, research and service.


Exotic Bird Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation