First Name *
Last Name *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip *
Phone (include area code) *
Alternate number
Email address *
Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY) *
Are you an OAR volunteer? *
Yes, I am an OAR volunteer
Not yet, but I submitted a signup form
No, and I have not submitted a signup form
Other than yourself, who could we contact in an emergency? Please provide their contact information. *
Preferred Pronouns
Do you have cats or dogs at home? *
How many cats? *
How many dogs?
Have your pets been spayed/neutered? *
Not yet
Some have, some have not
Are your pets up-to-date on vaccines? *
Some are, some are not
List people living in home (include ages) *
Do you have a room or enclosed space where you can isolate your fosters?
Yes, I have one isolation area (foster room)
Yes, I have multiple isolation areas
Yes, but I can only isolate for the first few days
No, I cannot isolate fosters at all
Where in your home will fosters live? *
Have you fostered cats for a group? *
Yes, in the past
Yes, currently
Which groups have you fostered for?
How many kittens can you foster?
One at a time
Small litters (2-3 kittens)
Medium litters (3-5 kittens)
Large litters (5-8 kittens)
I only want to foster adults
How many adult cats can you foster?
One at a time
Bonded Pair (2)
Bonded Group (3+)
I only want to foster kittens
Can you give liquid oral medications?
Yes, no problem
Yes, but I could use a refresher
No, but I am willing to learn how
No, and I am not willing to learn how
Most foster cats need liquid oral medications (dewormers, antibiotics) at some point. Willingness to give them is required. Liquid oral medications are easier to administer than pills, and we have found that people can easily learn this skill. You can do it!
Can you give fluids, pills, or injections? [it is perfectly okay if you cannot]
What types of cats are you comfortable fostering NOW?
New arrivals who need standard dewormers
Sick cats who need oral medications
Very sick cats who need advanced treatments
Weaned kittens awaiting spay/neuter surgery
Neonatal (bottle baby) kittens
Shy/fearful kittens who need confidence building
Shy/fearful adults who need confidence building
Nursing moms with babies
Cats being treated for Ringworm (fungal infection)
Diabetic cats who receive insulin every 12 hours
Feline leukemia (FeLV) positive cats
Cats nearing the end of their life (fospice)
Long-term cats who need a break from shelter life
Emergency intakes with minimal assessment
What types of cats would you be interested in learning how to foster IN THE FUTURE?
Sick cats who need oral medications
Very sick cats who need advanced treatments
Neonatal (bottle baby) kittens
Shy/fearful kittens who need confidence building
Shy/fearful adults who need confidence building
Nursing moms with babies
Cats being treated for Ringworm (fungal infection)
Diabetic cats who receive insulin every 12 hours
Feline leukemia (FeLV) positive cats
Cats nearing the end of their life (fospice)
Emergency intakes with assessment
Are there any types of cats you have a soft spot for and would prefer to foster?
Can you arrange transportation of your fosters to OAR for appointments? *
Will you support OAR's no declaw policy when friends and relatives are interested in adopting your fosters? *
Do you understand that anyone who wants to adopt a foster cat must go through OAR's regular adoption process? *
Do you understand that foster cats belong to OAR and that decisions for their care rest solely with OAR's medical staff? *
Are you emotionally prepared to return foster cats to the Adoption Center?
Returning a cat to the Adoption Center can be a very emotional experience. Becoming attached to your fosters is perfectly understandable (trust us, we've been there). Please go easy on yourself and take breaks from fostering as needed.
Many fosters take comfort in the excellent care provided at OAR's adoption center, and feel pride in seeing their foster cat’s adoption photo on OAR's Facebook page . We also recommend trying to focus on the joys of meeting and helping the next cat.
If you want to adopt your foster, just submit an Adoption Questionnaire .
Why are you interested in fostering?
How did you find out about OAR's foster program?
Do you have any questions or comments?
Thanks! After clicking submit, please check your email regularly. We'll be in touch soon!