Post Adoption Report

1. Your Information

Enter your first and last name.

2. Adopter Information

Enter your first name
Enter your Last Name
Use format:
Enter the name HADR gave to the dog.

3. New Dog Name

Ask the adopter: "Did you give your dog a new name?" 
We need to know the dog's new name so that we can update our records in our tracking system.

Ask the adopter if they gave their dog a new name.
Enter the dog's new name.

4. First Veterinarian Visit

Ask the adopter: "Have you scheduled your first visit to your veterinarian?"
1. Talk to the adopter about the importance of visiting a veterinarian in the first 30 days of adoption.
2. If they say they have not scheduled the first visit, remind them they have to do so within 30 days of the adoption date according to the Adoption Contract.

Talk to the adopter about the importance of visiting a veterinarian in the first 30 days of adoption. If they say they have not scheduled the first visit, remind them they have to do so within 30 days of the adoption date.

5. Obedience Training Scheduled

Ask the adopter: "Have you scheduled obedience training?" 
1. Talk to the adopter about the importance of obedience training and how it develops a strong bond between them and their dog along with defining the alpha in the pack.
2. If they say they have not scheduled obedience training, remind them they have to do so within 30 days of the adoption date according to the Adoption Contract.

Ask if they have found a place for basic obedience training. If they say no, remind them that they must enroll in a basic obedience training class within 30 days of adoption.

6. Dog Update

Ask the adopter: "How is your dog doing today versus when you first brought them home?"
Ask about: Eating, Pooping, Fun times, Difficult times, etc.
You want to get an idea about how the dog is fitting in since a good match is crucial to a foreverhome.

Ask about eating, pooping, fun times, difficult times, etc. You want to get an idea about how the dog is fitting in.

7. Heartworm Status

Ask the adopter: "Is your dog heartworm positive?"
If the adopter doesn't know the status, you can check it in Shelter Manager in the Health and Identification section for the dog. 

Check the heartworm status of the dog and answer the question.
Answer whether the adopter has heartworm preventative on hand.
Enter the number of tubes or tablets on hand.
Ask if the adopter has doxycycline on hand.
Select the items the adopter needs.

8. Success Story

Ask the adopter: "Can we use your story on Facebook to promote adopting from HADR?"
If they say yes, ask them to visit and answer the question and upload some photos of them and their dobie.

Select yes or no.

Click submit once. It may take up to 30 seconds for the screen to change. Do not click submit more than once.