Expense Report


It will take up to 30 days for reimbursement.
Expenses older than 60 days will not be reimbursed.


 Contact Information

Enter your first name.
Enter your last name.
Enter your email address.
Enter your phone number.

 Expense Information

Enter the dog name these expenses are for.
Enter the name of the merchant from the receipt.
Enter the date of the expense from the receipt.
Enter the amount of the expense.
Select the expense category.
Enter the category.

 Attach a photo of the receipt

Attach the receipt.


By submitting this request, I verify that all information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

If you are using a phone or tablet to complete this application, simply sign your name below. If you are using a computer, use your mouse to write your name below.

Click submit once. It may take up to 30 seconds for the screen to change. Do not click submit more than once.