* You must answer all questions with a red asterisk or you will not be able to submit the form.
Are you enlisted military? *
Per our adoption policies at https://www.purrpartners.org/adopt/policies/, we do not currently approve applications from applicants that are enlisted in the military and posted at surrounding military bases.
Are you a U.S. Citizen? *
Do you have a green card? *
Per our adoption policies at https://www.purrpartners.org/adopt/policies/, we do not currently approve applications from applicants that are not US Citizens if they do not have a green card. We encourage you to consider becoming a foster parent for Purr Partners instead. The application is at https://www.purrpartners.org/foster/
Do you want to adopt a cat as an Emotional Support Animal (ESA)? *
Note: Per our adoption policies at https://www.purrpartners.org/adopt/policies/, we will not adopt kittens out to be ESA animals. We cannot guarantee the personality of a kitty long term, and we do not feel it is in the best interest of the adopter or the kitten. We know our cats well, and we can recommend older teens and adults as potential ESA animals if you are approved to adopt.
Are you interested in a specific cat, or are you looking within an age range? *
Specific Cat(s)
Age Range
SINCE YOU ARE INTERESTED IN 1 OR 2 SPECIFIC CATS, now you must select the cat(s) that you are interested in. Only cats that are available for adoption at this very moment (it can change very quickly!) will be displayed in the list.
First Cat Choice: *
Alexandra24 (Cat - Alexandra24)
Autumn19 (Cat - Autumn19)
Axel22 (Cat - Axel22)
Baroque23 (Cat - Baroque23)
Benson25 (Cat - Benson25)
Billy Jack25 (Cat - Billy Jack25)
Bingo25 (Cat - Bingo25)
Brando25 (Cat - Brando25)
Charley B24F (Cat - Charley B24F2A)
Chimichanga22F (Cat - Chimichanga22)
Croissant24 (Cat - Croissant24)
Decibel23 (Cat - Decibel23)
Earl Gray25 (Cat - Earl Grey25)
Elowen24 (Cat - Elowen24)
Ember23 (Cat - Ember23)
Fergie25 (Cat - Fergie25)
Garland25 (Cat - Garland25)
Gossip Girl24 (Cat - Gossip Girl24)
Grizzly Bear24 (Cat - Grizzly Bear24)
Gumbo25 (Cat - Gumbo25)
Gwyn24 (Cat - Gwyn24)
Hazel25 (Cat - Hazel25)
Hominy25 (Cat - Hominy25)
Ice Pop25 (Cat - Ice Pop25)
Ink Blot25 (Cat - Ink Blot25)
Junior Mint21F (Cat - Junior Mint21)
Keyboard Kitty25 (Cat - Keyboard Kitty25)
Kitty Poppins24 (Cat - Kitty Poppins24)
Kokomo25 (Cat - Kokomo25)
Lenny24 (Cat - Lenny24)
Lime Tango24 (Cat - Lime Tango24)
Lincoln20 (Cat - Lincoln20)
Luigi24 (Cat - Luigi24)
Magic Star24 (Cat - Magic Star24)
Mango Lovelace23 (Cat - Mango Lovelace23)
Melon Ball24 (Cat - Melon Ball24)
Montana24 (Cat - Montana24)
Ocean25 (Cat - Ocean25)
Party Time25 (Cat - Party Time25)
Poetry21 (Cat - Poetry21)
Pudding Pop24 (Cat - Pudding Pop24)
Pumpernickel24 (Cat - Pumpernickel24)
Ransom22 (Cat - Ransom22)
Reuben25 (Cat - Reuben25)
Roux25 (Cat - Roux25)
Royale24 (Cat - Royale24)
Sandstorm25 (Cat - Sandstorm25)
Suncatcher24 (Cat - Suncatcher24)
Thanos24F (Cat - Thanos24F)
Verona24 (Cat - Verona24)
Will O Wisp21 (Cat - Will O Wisp21)
Zorah21 (Cat - Zorah21)
Second Cat Choice:
Alexandra24 (Cat - Alexandra24)
Autumn19 (Cat - Autumn19)
Axel22 (Cat - Axel22)
Baroque23 (Cat - Baroque23)
Benson25 (Cat - Benson25)
Billy Jack25 (Cat - Billy Jack25)
Bingo25 (Cat - Bingo25)
Brando25 (Cat - Brando25)
Charley B24F (Cat - Charley B24F2A)
Chimichanga22F (Cat - Chimichanga22)
Croissant24 (Cat - Croissant24)
Decibel23 (Cat - Decibel23)
Earl Gray25 (Cat - Earl Grey25)
Elowen24 (Cat - Elowen24)
Ember23 (Cat - Ember23)
Fergie25 (Cat - Fergie25)
Garland25 (Cat - Garland25)
Gossip Girl24 (Cat - Gossip Girl24)
Grizzly Bear24 (Cat - Grizzly Bear24)
Gumbo25 (Cat - Gumbo25)
Gwyn24 (Cat - Gwyn24)
Hazel25 (Cat - Hazel25)
Hominy25 (Cat - Hominy25)
Ice Pop25 (Cat - Ice Pop25)
Ink Blot25 (Cat - Ink Blot25)
Junior Mint21F (Cat - Junior Mint21)
Keyboard Kitty25 (Cat - Keyboard Kitty25)
Kitty Poppins24 (Cat - Kitty Poppins24)
Kokomo25 (Cat - Kokomo25)
Lenny24 (Cat - Lenny24)
Lime Tango24 (Cat - Lime Tango24)
Lincoln20 (Cat - Lincoln20)
Luigi24 (Cat - Luigi24)
Magic Star24 (Cat - Magic Star24)
Mango Lovelace23 (Cat - Mango Lovelace23)
Melon Ball24 (Cat - Melon Ball24)
Montana24 (Cat - Montana24)
Ocean25 (Cat - Ocean25)
Party Time25 (Cat - Party Time25)
Poetry21 (Cat - Poetry21)
Pudding Pop24 (Cat - Pudding Pop24)
Pumpernickel24 (Cat - Pumpernickel24)
Ransom22 (Cat - Ransom22)
Reuben25 (Cat - Reuben25)
Roux25 (Cat - Roux25)
Royale24 (Cat - Royale24)
Sandstorm25 (Cat - Sandstorm25)
Suncatcher24 (Cat - Suncatcher24)
Thanos24F (Cat - Thanos24F)
Verona24 (Cat - Verona24)
Will O Wisp21 (Cat - Will O Wisp21)
Zorah21 (Cat - Zorah21)
Since you are interested in cats based on their age, now please select the age range(s) that you are interested in.
What age range(s) are you interested in (you can select multiple) *
Kitten (less than 6 months)
Teen (less than 1 year)
Adult (less than 10 years)
How would you rate your level of cat experience? *
I have never had a cat
I have been around family and friends’ cats
I have previously owned a cat
I am a lifelong cat owner
How did you find out about Purr Partners? *
Internet Search
Applicant's Information
First Name *
Last Name *
Address *
City *
State *
ZIP Code *
Note: You must provide one valid phone number (home or cell) below. Thank you!
Cell Phone Number (Type a zero if no cell #) *
Please use the following format: 919-555-1212
Home Phone Number (Type a zero if no home #) *
Please use the following format: 919-555-1212
Please type your email address carefully. You will receive a copy of your completed application at this address, and it is our main way of contacting you.
Email Address *
Please enter correctly as this is the main way we will contact you
Date of Birth (NOTE: You *MUST* be at least 21 years of age per our adoption policy) *
Our adoption policy is available at https://www.purrpartners.org/adopt/policies/
Your Pets (current and past)
Have you ever adopted from a rescue group before, and if so, what was the name and location of the group? *
Is this pet for you or someone else? *
Someone else
Do you own other pets at the current time? *
No Yes
If YES, please list their names, breeds, and ages.
Are all of your pets spayed/neutered/fixed? *
Please list any pets you have owned in the last 5 years and explain what happened to them: *
Are your pets current on their vaccinations? *
Have you ever turned your dog or cat in to a shelter? *
If YES, please explain:
Veterinarian's Name and/or practice name:
List current or last vet your pet was seen by
Veterinarian's Address, City, State, and ZIP Code
Veterinarian's Phone Number
Are your animals listed under a different (owner) name? *
What (owner) name are they listed under? *
Have you ever had a pet euthanized? *
If YES, please explain:
How do you feel about having pets spayed/neutered? *
Not Sure
Please check the main reason you plan to adopt a pet: *
Family Pet
Child's Pet
Companion for Another Pet
If you answered OTHER above, please explain here:
Please describe in detail the pet you are looking for: *
Your Household
Do you own or rent your home? *
Someone else owns the home
Someone else rents the home
Please select your current residence type. *
Mobile Home
If you answered OTHER above, please explain here:
How long have you lived at this address? *
Less than one month
1-2 months
3-6 months
6-9 months
9-12 months
1-2 years
3-5 years
6-10 years
10 + years
Since you do not own your home, does your landlord (or other person responsible for the home) and your lease or agreement allow pets? *
Since you do not own your home, provide the Name, Phone & Email for your landlord (or other person responsible for the home) *
Including yourself, how many people live in your household? *
Please list the ages & relationship of those who live in your home. *
Is everyone in your household aware that you are planning to adopt a pet? *
Does anyone in your household have allergies to dogs/cats? *
Your Employment
Employment Status *
Work from Home
Stay at Home Parent
If you chose OTHER above, please explain:
If you are employed, what is your current occupation and where are you employed?
Your Prospective Pet's Living Conditions
On average, how many hours per day will your pet be left alone? *
Will this pet be predominantly living inside, outside, or both? *
Please provide a description of this pet's living conditions. *
If the animal will spend time in the garage, please explain when/why:
How many litter boxes do you have, or will have, and how often do you clean them? *
How will you handle destructive behavior? (Scratching, urinating out of the box, etc.) *
Veterinary Care
Do you plan on doing yearly vet visits for annual exams and vaccinations as needed? *
No Yes
Is this important to you? *
No Yes
If NO, please explain:
Explain your philosophy about regular vet care. *
How much do you think the annual medical bills will be for your pet? *
About $100
$100 - $200
$200 - $300
$300 - $500
$500 +
Are you prepared to spend $1000 or more on an emergency? *
It depends
What would you do if the bills went over this amount? *
Pet Care Under Various Circumstances
What arrangements will you make for the care of your pets in case of an emergency? *
Leave with family/friend
Pet Sitter
Take with me/us
If you answered OTHER above, please explain:
What will you do with the animal when you go on vacation? *
Leave with family/friend
Pet sitter
Take with me/us
If you answered OTHER above, please explain:
For what reason(s) would you consider returning/giving up the animal? *
What would you do with your animal if you had to move? *
Give to family/friend
Return to rescue
Take with me
Take to shelter
If you answered OTHER above, please explain:
Are you willing to take responsibility for this animal for the next 10-20 years? *
No Yes
If NO, please explain:
Explain your plan for the cat should you become unable to care for it: *
Cat Preferences and Home Checks
Coat Preference: *
Medium (requires brushing)
Long (required daily brushing and/or grooming)
No Preference
Activity Level: *
High Energy
No Preference
Cats have an instinctive need to scratch. How do you plan to accommodate this need and protect your furnishings? *
Access to Outdoors
Scratching Posts
Soft Paws
Other Deterrent
Will you allow us to perform home checks? *
No Yes
Personal References (Note: Only ONE of your references can be a family member, housemate or relative)
Personal Reference #1 Name: *
Personal Reference #1 Phone: *
Personal Reference #1 Email: *
Personal Reference #1 Relationship to you: *
Personal Reference #2 Name: *
Personal Reference #2 Phone: *
Personal Reference #2 Email: *
Personal Reference #2 Relationship to you: *
We do not guarantee the health of any animals offered for adoption. Any time you adopt an animal, you should take it to a licensed veterinarian as soon as possible. Your animal is, to the best of our knowledge, healthy, but will need to be started immediately on a program of preventative veterinary care. Please be aware that the animals available for adoption are rescue animals and, as such, have often been exposed to a variety of diseases. Like human illnesses, these disorders can have an incubation period of up to several weeks to several months. If the animal you adopt shows signs of illness at any point, you must take it promptly to your veterinarian for treatment at your expense. (If you are adopting a special needs cat, by signing this you indicate your understanding that ongoing health issues are part of the adoption, and you have agreed to provide the care the cat or kitten needs.) I have read and understand this disclaimer, please initial: *
I have read the Adoption Policies and agree with the terms and conditions of this application. I acknowledge that I have answered all the questions truthfully. Failure to provide honest answers may result in the forfeiture of your adopted pet to Purr Partners Feline Rescue. *
NOTE: If all required questions are not answered, this application will not submit successfully and you will remain on this page until everything with a red asterisk is answered. If your application is accepted, you will be redirected to an Adoption Policies page and you will receive a copy of your completed application at the email address that you provided.