Date *
Our contract requires that if you cannot keep the bird for any reason, you MUST return the bird to our program. Do you agree to this requirement? *
Bird you would like to adopt:
Andy (Cockatiel - 0000000529)
Annie (Parakeet - 0000000462)
Archie (Amazon - 0000000430)
Bella (Cockatoo - 0000000491)
Buddy Cracker (Conure - 0000000536)
Bunji (Parakeet - 0000000535)
Chelsea (Amazon - 0000000496)
Dexter (Eclectus - 0000000525)
Domino (Conure - 0000000545)
Gizmo (Cockatiel - 0000000531)
Jodi (Amazon - 0000000449)
Koshi (Quaker (Monk Parakeet) - 0000000526)
Lakota (Amazon - 0000000544)
Legolas (Cockatiel - 0000000538)
Lucy (Cockatoo - 0000000513)
Lumiere (Cockatiel - 0000000537)
Midna (Quaker (Monk Parakeet) - 0000000542)
Moses (Cockatoo - 0000000512)
Murphy (Amazon - 0000000530)
Oaf Oaf (Cockatiel - 0000000539)
Paul (Cockatiel - 0000000498)
Peepers (Cockatoo - 0000000480)
Reba (Amazon - 0000000431)
Ricki (Cockatoo - 0000000320)
Ringo (Cockatiel - 0000000499)
Simba (Poicephalus - 59620)
Spanky (Amazon - 0000000378)
Tango (Conure - 0000000475)
Zazu (Conure - 0000000511)
Zelda (Cockatoo - 0000000479)
Species Interest 1:
African Grey
Indian Ringneck
Mini Macaw
Quaker (Monk Parakeet)
Unknown/Other - Large
Unknown/Other - Medium
Unknown/Other - Small
Unknown/Other - X-Large
x Foster Applicant x
x Volunteer Applicant x
Contact Information
Due to the number of applications received, we are not able to call applicants. Email is our contact method. Applicants are responsible for monitoring these emails.
First Name *
Last Name *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Phone Number (cell) *
Please use the following format xxx-xxx-xxxx
Alternate Phone Number
Email Address *
Please enter correctly as this is the main way we will contact you
Please double check that your email is correct. Email is our method of contact. Applications with incorrect emails are not able to be contacted.
Date of Birth *
How did you find out about us? *
- Select Option -
Internet Search
Previous Adopter
Another Shelter
Somewhere Else
Residential Information
How long have you lived at this address? *
- Select Option -
Less than one month
1-2 months
3-6 months
6-9 months
9-12 months
1-2 years
3-5 years
6-10 years
10 + years
Type of Residence *
- Select Option -
If Other, please describe
Do you own or rent your home? *
- Select Option -
Someone else owns the Home
Someone else rents the Home
If you rent or lease, does your landlord and lease allow pets? *
- Select Option -
Landlord Name (company name or if private renter, owner's name) *
Landlord Contact Information (Phone) *
If applicable: Landlord Website or other contact information
Who owns the home and what is their relationship to you? *
Is this person aware that you are applying to adopt a bird? *
No Yes
Please provide their phone number AND email address.
Who rents the home and what is their relationship to you? *
Is this person aware that you are applying to adopt a bird? *
No Yes
Does the landlord and the lease allow pets? *
No Yes
Landlord Name (company name or if private owner, owner's name) *
Landlord Contact Information (Phone) *
If applicable: Landlord Website or other contact information *
No Yes
Name that the lease is under. *
If you do not own the home, complete contact information for the landlord or owner of the home is required (including name & phone number). Incomplete applications will not be processed.
Family Demographics
Including yourself, how many people live in your household? *
- Select Option -
Please list the names, ages & relationship of those who live in your home. *
Example: John Smith, 48, husband; Sally Smith, 12, daughter
Have you ever been charged with or convicted of Domestic Abuse/Assault/Animal Cruelty or neglect in Missouri or any other state? *
If yes, option to elaborate
Has anyone in your household ever been charged with or convicted of Domestic Abuse/Assault/Animal Cruelty or neglect in Missouri or any other state? *
If yes, option to elaborate
Will you allow us to perform a homecheck? *
No Yes
If no, please stop filling out this application. Home checks are a necessary part of our application process.
Will you allow us to perform a background check on all adults over the age of 18? *
No Yes
If no, please explain *
Does anyone in your home have asthma or allergies? *
No Yes
Are you aware that dander from parrots can exacerbate existing allergy/asthma symptoms? In agreeing to adopt from us, selecting this option will serve as your understanding of these risks. *
No Yes
Do you use nonstick coated cookware? *
No Yes
If yes, please explain (i.e. what kind of non-stick)
If you currently use Teflon (nonstick) products in your home, would you be willing to replace them with safe alternatives? *
My Cookware is Bird Safe
Does anyone who resides in or visits your home use smoking or tobacco products? This would include vape, e-cigs, cigars, cigarettes, or any substance that produce smoke. *
No Yes
Please elaborate *
Financial Planning
Employment Status *
- Select Option -
Work from Home
Stay at Home Parent
If you are employed, what is your current occupation, name of employer, and address?
If you are not currently employed, please elaborate on how you are able to be financially responsible for your bird's food, toys, cage, and vet care?
Would it be a financial hardship for you to provide annual vet care for your future bird? *
No Yes
Are you aware that STAR does not include cages or accessories as part of the adoption fees? *
No Yes
Are you willing/able to pay additional costs associated with appropriate housing, toys, and perches for your future bird? *
No Yes
Bird Knowledge
Have you ever had birds? *
No Yes
If yes, please describe your experience:
Are you aware that exotic birds could potentially carry diseases that could affect humans? *
No Yes
Did you know that it isn't safe to use scented plug-ins, air fresheners, candles or etc. around a bird? *
No Yes
Are you aware that there is no such thing as a quiet parrot? *
No Yes
Potential Bird Information
Why are you interested in adopting a STAR bird? *
Want a Companion for Myself or Family
Want a Companion for Another Pet
Looks Pretty
For Breeding
As a Gift for Someone Else
Had One Before/ Have One Now
What are the most important characteristic you are looking for in a bird? *
Pretty Color
Sweet Disposition
Shoulder Companion
Breeder Bird
Companion for another bird
Companion for self
Companion for someone else
Velcro bird
Independent bird
What do you expect from a bird and what can the bird expect from you? *
How important is it that your bird interact with every member of your household? *
Are you planning on adopting this bird as a companion for yourself or for another bird? *
Describe the environment of your home. *
Are you planning on keeping your bird in a aviary situation? *
No Yes
If yes, please describe:
How much time outside of the cage will your bird spend for exercise and entertainment? *
Describe how much mobility the bird will have. Will they go to other rooms? Eat with the family? Have a play gym? *
How much time will your bird spend alone? *
If you have cats, dogs or children, how do you plan to keep your parrot safe from harm? *
Explain proper care and nutrition for the species that you are applying to adopt. *
How often will you clean and disinfect the cage? *
Are you aware the birds might have or could develop habits that could cause injury to people or damage property? *
No Yes
How will you handle destructive behavior if developed? *
Are you willing to adopt a bird with potential behavior challenges? *
No Yes
Explain how you would handle a bird who screams excessively?
Explain how you would handle a bird who bites regularly?
Explain how you would handle a bird who plucks?
Under what circumstances would you not want to keep the bird? (biting, screaming, etc.) *
Do you understand cage requirements for the species that you are applying for and agree to supply that for your bird? *
No Yes
Please note that cages and accessories are not included with the adoption fee. Once approved to adopt, STAR does require a final cage check before finalizing adoptions. For more information, please see our minimum size requirements & cage set-up guide here:
Would you be willing to attend a class on basic bird care if available? *
No Yes
Future Planning
Birds live a long time. Cats may live 20 years, and dogs might not live more than 10-15 years, but large birds can live 50/70 years. Even smaller birds generally live 20-40 years. Caring for a bird is often a life-long responsibility that should not be entered into lightly, or without planning for their future.
Do you feel as though the bird you're applying for might live longer than you? If applying for a larger bird species, please keep in mind your age, the parrot's age, and the expected lifespan of the species. *
Hadn't Thought About It
If yes, do you have a plan in place that will protect the bird's welfare?
No Yes
Please outline the plan below, including two references who would be selected for your bird in case of emergency.
Please include name, phone number and email for emergency references.
Current Bird Information
Do you currently have birds, or have you had birds in the past? *
Currently have birds
Have had birds in the past
Currently have birds AND Have had birds in the past
Have never had birds
If you no longer have these birds, what happened to them?
If you no longer have these birds, what happened to them?
Please list any birds you have. (Name, Species, Age, How long you have had this bird., Date of last vet visit.) *
example: Sunny, Sun Conure, 5 yrs old, adopted 2020, last vet visit April '23
Who is/ will be the caregiver for the birds?
When you go on vacation, who does/ will care for your bird(s)?
How often do you/ will you take your bird to the vet?
Current Other Pet Information
Do you currently have any other pets besides birds? *
No Yes
Please list all other pets in the household, including species/breed, age, time owned, spayed/neutered status, date of last vet visit. *
Have you ever had any animals that you no longer have? Please explain the reason why. *
I understand that a parrot is an exotic companion animal and, as such, must have specialized care. If I have other exotic companion animals (rabbits, guinea pigs, lizards, etc.) I certify I have done proper research into their habitat/care and will provide pictures of their enclosures to the adoption team upon request. *
No Yes
Avian Veterinarian Information
Complete Veterinarian contact information required. Please ensure that all vet information is accurate, as our volunteers only have the capacity to perform one vet check per application. If the initial vet check needs to be repeated, our volunteers may require applicants to send proof of vetting via email.
Veterinarian's Name
Veterinarian's Address, City, State, and Zip Code
Veterinarian's Phone Number
If the name that any of your current birds are listed under at the clinic provided is different from the name on your application, please provide that information here. (i.e. listed under a spouse's name)
Do you agree to take your bird to the vet at least annually for a wellness exam as recommended by the AAV? *
No Yes
If no, please explain:
General Veterinarian Information (Other Pets)
Complete Veterinarian contact information required. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please ensure that all vet information is accurate, as our volunteers only have the capacity to perform one vet check per application. If the initial vet check needs to be repeated, our volunteers may require applicants to send proof of vetting via email.
Veterinarian's Name
If you have never owned a pet please tell us where you would go.
Veterinarian's Address, City, State, and Zip Code
Again if you have never owned a pet please list where you would go
Veterinarian's Phone Number
If you have cats or dogs in your household do you certify that they are up to date with any mandatory vaccines and have been seen by a veterinarian for a wellness exam within the last year?
If the name that any of your non-avian pets are listed under at the clinic provided is different from the name on your application, please provide that information here. (i.e. listed under a spouse's name)
If any of your current pets have not seen a vet for a yearly wellness exam, please explain:
Veterinary Release & Adoption Application Agreement and Waiver:
By signing below, I agree to the following:
I hereby authorize the release of ALL medical records pertaining to the listed animal(s) to representatives of St. Louis Avian Rescue (STAR). I also authorize the contact of landlords and/or associations in regard to this application.
I have read the above application carefully and certify that the information I have given is accurate and true. I understand that false or omitted information will void my application.
I certify that I have never been charged with nor convicted of domestic abuse/violence, assault, animal cruelty, animal abuse or neglect in Missouri or any other state. I certify that no one in the household where this bird would reside has been charged with nor convicted of domestic abuse/violence, assault, animal cruelty, animal abuse or neglect in Missouri or any other state.
I understand and accept that it is STAR – St Louis Avian Rescue’s right to decide which home is most appropriate for each individual bird, and therefore I will not take issue with their decision.
I understand that if a bird is placed with me, I will be responsible for providing appropriate food, water, and loving attention. I will also be responsible for ALL financial obligations for the care of this animal after adoption. Many parrots have an extremely long life expectancy.
I assume all risks associated with visiting STAR foster homes, including but not limited to fall, contact with pets including pet bites and scratches, and contact with visitors. I realize the risk associated with participating in the visitation of animals and the adoption process. I hereby release STAR - St Louis Avian Rescue for all liability to myself, my family, my pet(s), and my property as a result of interaction with an animal, including interaction in any animal housing area (i.e. STAR Foster Home or other meet & greet location).
I understand that the birds that STAR - St Louis Avian Rescue place have been surrendered, abandoned, or in some way displaced. They may have been abused or neglected. There may only be limited information available regarding their previous environment. STAR will share with you what information we have. There will be an adjustment period. Remember to be patient, consistent, and understanding.
Avian medicine is a relatively new discipline. It is possible for a bird to be a carrier of, or infected with, a disease that is undetectable with the current tests and tools available today. I am aware that STAR cannot guarantee the health and temperament of the animal.
I agree that any bird adopted will NOT be placed into a breeding situation. I certify that should I not be able to or not want to properly care for this bird, or in the event of my death, the bird will be returned to St. Louis Avian Rescue.
Signature Instructions: Use your mouse to sign your name by clicking and holding it down as you write if not using a touchscreen device.
Signature *
Use your mouse to sign your name by clicking and holding it down as you write.