Please note, only the fosterer (over 18 years old) themselves can complete the form - please confirm.
Is everyone in your household aware that you are planning to foster a cat?
Drop down to select
Is there a specific animal on our site you are interested in fostering? *
No Yes
If yes, please give name and any reference numbers if included.
Title *
Your First Name *
Your surname *
Full address *
Town *
Post Code *
Phone Number *
Please use the following format 248-555-1212
Mobile Phone Number *
Email Address *
Please enter correctly as this is the main way we will contact you
How did you find out about us?
Drop down to select
national RSPCA
already know you
I ama previous adopter
I was told about you by my vet
Are you happy to allow us to carry out a home visit (Covid rules aside)? *
No Yes
Do you own or rent your home? *
Drop down to select
Someone else owns the Home
Someone else rents the Home
If you rent, does your landlord and lease allow pets? (If yes, please attach landlord's written permission, without this your application may be delayed) *
Drop down to select
On average, how many hours per day will your foster animal be left alone?(more than one can be selected) *
0-2 hours
2-4 hours
4-6 hours
6-8 hours
8+ hours
How many adults (16 years and over) live in the premises? *
Do you have any children under the age of 16 living at the premises? *
No Yes
If you answered "yes" above please list ages of children
Do you have any visiting children under the age of 16? *
No Yes
If you answered "yes" above please list ages of children and frequency of visits
Are you looking for a male or female animal? *
Doesn't matter
Are you happy to foster a pair or single only? *
Drop down to select
Please select the options you are happy to offer as a fosterer (more than one can be selected) *
Drop down to select
Happy to foster pregnant/whelping mum
Happy to foster hand rear kittens (provide experience in box further down)
Happy to foster end of life (potentially long term)
Happy to foster a nervous/under socialised cat
Do you own any other cats? *
No Yes
Please specify the gender(s) of your other cat(s) *
Drop down to select
Female only
Male only
Both Male and Female
I do not own another cat
Are your other cats neutered/spayed/castrated/fixed? *
Drop down to select
Some are but not all of them
Are your other cats up to date on their vaccinations? *
Drop down to select
Vaccinated within the past 12 months
Vaccinated within the past 3 years
Do you own any other pets? (more than one can be selected) *
Guinea pig
Small furry
If you answered "other" to the above question, please list what other animals live in your home
Do you have any visiting animals (e.g family/friends' cats and dogs)? If so, please give details *
How important is it that the cat be good with other cats? *
Drop down to select
Very Important
Quite Important
Not Important
How important is it that the cat be good with dogs? *
Drop down to select
Very Important
Quite Important
Not Important
How important is it that the cat be good with children? *
Drop down to select
Very Important
Quite Important
Not Important
How important is it that the cat be litter trained? *
Drop down to select
Very Important
Quite Important
Not Important
How important is it that the cat like being picked up/handled? *
Drop down to select
Very Important
Quite Important
Not Important
How important is it that the cat enjoys playing with toys *
Drop down to select
Very Important
Quite Important
Not Important
How important is it that the cat likes strangers? *
Drop down to select
Very Important
Quite Important
Not Important
What Age of Cat? (more than one can be selected) *
Under 6 months
6 months-2 years
2-5 years
5-8 years
8 years +
Any Age
Where will the animal live? *
Do you have any plans to holiday away, or move home within the next 3 months (this includes any short weekend trips)? *
Please select appropriate answers relating to your experience with cats (can select multiple) *
I am a first time cat owner
I am happy to socialise a cat
I have experience of socialising cats
Please tell us about anything else you feel is important, including your experience with cats *
Please provide details of 2 people not related to you whom we may ask for a reference (please provide an email address for each referee for communication purposes to help reduce administration time and costs to the Centre)
Reference 1 Name *
Reference 1 address *
Reference 1 postcode *
Reference 1 telephone number *
Reference 1 email address *
Reference 1 relationship to you *
Reference 2 name *
Reference 2 address *
Reference 2 postcode *
Reference 2 telephone number *
Reference 2 email address *
Reference 2 relationship to you *
Please attach pictures of your property and any spare rooms to support your application
Please attach pictures of your property and any spare rooms to support your application
Please attach pictures of your property and any spare rooms to support your application
Please attach pictures of your property and any spare rooms to support your application
Please attach pictures of your property and any spare rooms to support your application
Please attach pictures of your property and any spare rooms to support your application
If you have a document which shows you have landlord permission to keep a pet (where needed) you can attach this (only images can be attached at present)
We would love to keep you updated about our fundraising activities, news and ways in which you can help animals. Do you wish for us to keep you updated? *
No Yes
If you answered YES to the above question, please tell us how you would like to hear from us: