The Responsible Dog Rescue Volunteer Application Form
Applicant Details
Applicant's First Name
Applicant's Last Name
Date of Birth
For fostering dogs, applicant must be at least 25 years old. For adopting dogs, applicant must be at least 21 years old.
Street Address
Post Code
Phone Number (mobile)
Phone Number (home)
Email Address
If you have already spoken to a volunteer, please enter their name here
About your interest in volunteering
What skills would you bring to The Responsible Dog Rescue? (tick as many as apply)
Dog behaviour expertise
Homecheck experience
Personal experience of rescuing Romanian dogs
Personal experience of rescuing other dogs
Fundraising experience
Administrative skills
Social Media skills
If you have ticked "other", please give more details here
Do you have any relevant qualifications, such as canine behavioural qualifications? If so, please list them here.
Are you familiar with Facebook and Facebook Messenger?
How many hours per week could you give to volunteering for TRDR?
Are you available throughout the week or just specific days/times? Please give details
Please explain what you hope to contribute as a volunteer
Please explain what you hope to gain through your experience as a volunteer
Have you volunteered with any other dog rescue? If so, which rescue, and when?
Have you/do you volunteer for any other charities or similar organisations? Please give details
Do you currently have pets? Please give details
Have you ever rescued a dog before? If so, please give details.
Are you involved in the breeding of any animals? If yes, please provide more information.
If there is any other information which you feel we should be made aware of, please provide it here
Application verification
In order for us to contact you via Messenger, please provide a link to your Facebook profile (if you have one)
You have provided sensitive information. Do you consent to this information being stored and used by TRDR in order to assess your application?
Please re-enter your name
Date of completion of form
Applicant signature