Cat Initial Interview Form
Great News! You would like to adopt from Woodside Animal Centre. We just need to get a few details from you. Please fill in the whole form and we ask that you answer honestly so that we can find the right animal for you. Please note... you cannot adopt an animal on behalf of another person.
A few details about you
Please provide your home address
Please provide your home postcode
Please provide your title
Please provide your preferred title
Please provide you forename
Please provide your surname
Would you like to include a joint applicant?
Please provide a title for the joint applicant
Please provide your preferred title
Please provide the surname of the joint applicant
Please provide the surname of the joint applicant
Please provide your contact telephone number(s)
Please provide your email address
A little about your home
What type of property is your home?
Please describe your home
Please let us know if you own your home or pay rent
If you rent, we will need to see written permission from your landlord.
Please let us know if you have a garden available
How many people live at home?
How many people over 18 years old (including yourself) live in your home?
How many children live in your home?
Please provide the ages of the children in your home
Do children visit your home?
Please provide the ages of any visiting children
Please let us know the frequency of visits
Do the children sleep at your home overnight?
Do you own any other cats?
Please state gender, age and breed
Are your other cats fully vaccinated?
(Vaccination cards will need to be seen before re-homing will commence)
Have your existing cats been neutered?
Have all members of your family been in contact with cats before?
(This is to rule out allergies to cats)
What other animals do you own?
Do you have visiting animals? If so, please give details
A little about your lifestyle
Please let us know if you are planning to move house or go on holiday in the next two months
Will the cat have human company all day?
How many hours do you expect to leave the cat alone during a normal day?
Your experience
Have you, as an individual, owned cats before?
Please let us know what happened to your previous cats
What happens next
A volunteer working with RSPCA Leicestershire Branch (Woodside Animal Centre) will need to visit you to undertake a home visit.
Do you agree that a volunteer home visitor makes a pre and post home visit (please note that you may be telephoned from a 'withheld number')
Please sign
Please sign