Please complete all questions to submit your application to SAFE Newman to adopt this pet.
We ask that you answer with thought and honesty. We often receive several applications for one animal and it is our goal to match pets to the most suitable home.
A good match for you and the SAFE pet is our top priority.
SAFE collects personal information from you in order to provide you with our services, information about our services and answer any enquiries that you may have. In certain circumstances, we may be required to collect personal information from third parties, depending on the nature of your enquiry, for example from vets.If you provide us with personal information, for example your name, address, email, phone number or other information, we will collect the information in order to assess your application for our service.
If SAFE does not collect this personal information for such purposes, then SAFE will be unable to process your enquiry or supply you with information in relation to your enquiry.
SAFE may share your information with third party service providers who assist SAFE in providing its products and services to you (such as vets, marketing service providers, IT service providers and contractors); and any other organisation covered in SAFE’s Privacy Policy. SAFE will also be providing personal information to Local Government Authorities every quarter to ensure compliance with the Dog and Cat Act.
If you provide us with the personal information of others, we encourage you to inform them that you are disclosing that information to SAFE and why, that they can access that information if they wish and that SAFE does not disclose the information to third parties other than those noted above and within SAFE’s Privacy Policy.
You can access our Privacy Policy here, or contact us at or write to us at PO Box 1390, Karratha WA 6714, to request a copy.