Adoption Application Iron Dog Rescue

Please enter correctly as this is the main way we will contact you
If you have never owned a pet please tell us where you would go.
Again if you have never owned a pet please list where you would go

By clicking the submit button, I agree to the Iron Dog Rescue adoption process which will not guarantee adoption but is a preliminary contact check. By clicking the submit button, I understand Iron Dog Rescue will check my references including veterinary. By clicking the submit button, I understand that if accepted for meet, physical or virtual, which results in adoption there is an adoption fee which is not to be negotiated and is payable on pickup. I understand this donation will ensure the organisation is equipped to rescue another dogs in need and therefore, adoption donations and deposits are non refundable after the trial period of 14 days. I agree that I will be responsible for transport fees above the adoption fee. By clicking the submit button, I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Iron Dog Rescue against any losses, lawsuits, claims, injury, damages incurred by me or to any persons or property by my adopted pet, once adoption has been completed. By clicking the submit button, I understand that Iron Dog Rescue will disclose any of the pet's health or behaviour issues known by the above named rescue group before adoption is completed. By clicking the submit button, I verify all of the above information is true and accurate.