Animal(s) you are interested in adopting
Please indicate the name of the animal(s) you are interested in.
Applicant's First Name *
Applicant's Last Name *
Street Address *
Apartment Number (if applicable)
City *
State *
Zip Code
Phone Number: *
Please use the following format 248-555-1212
Email Address *
Please enter correctly as this is the main way we will contact you
Alternate Phone Number
Date of Birth *
What are your social media (e.g. Facebook; Instagram) profile names?
Employment Status *
Work from Home
Stay at Home Parent
Occupation: *
Who is your employer?
Employer's Contact:
Please check the main reason you plan to adopt a pet: *
Family Pet
Child's Pet Guard Dog
Companion for another pet
If you answered "other" above, please explain here:
Have you adopted an animal from a shelter or rescue in the past? *
No Yes
If yes, what happened to the animal?
Do you own other pets at the current time? *
No Yes
If yes, please list their names, type/breed, and ages.
Are all of your pets spayed/neutered/fixed?
Are your pets current on their vaccinations?
If you have pets, will they adjust to a new pet in the house?
Have you ever turned a pet into a shelter? *
No Yes
If yes, please explain?
What is your Veterinarian's name? If you don't have a vet, please enter "N/A" *
If you do not have a vet, please state N/A
Veterinarian's Address, City, State, and Zip Code
Again if you have never owned a pet please list where you would go
Veterinarian's Phone Number
Have you ever had a pet euthanized? *
No Yes
If yes, please explain:
Do you own or rent your home? *
Someone else owns the Home
Someone else rents the Home
How long have you lived at your current residence? *
Please select your current residence type. *
Mobile Home
If you answered "other" above, please explain here:
If you own your home and there is an HOA that includes a pet policy, please describe the pet policy (e.g. animal size/breed restrictions)
If you live in an apartment complex, please provide the name of the complex
If you do not own your home, please provide the phone number of the owner/landlord to verify that they allow pets
If you do not own your home please provide a contact number for your landlord
Do you have a completely fenced-in yard? If so, what kind of fence? *
Chain Link
I do not have a fenced yard
If you do not have a fenced yard, how will you let the animal out and exercise him/her?
Including yourself, how many people live in your household? *
Please list the ages & relationship of those who live in your home.
Is everyone in your household aware that you are planning to adopt a pet?
Does anyone in your household have allergies to dogs/cats?
Who in your household will have primary responsibility for feeding and caring for the pet? *
On average, how many hours per day will your pet be left alone? *
On a typical day
0 -2 hours
2-4 hours
4-6 hours
6-8 hours
longer than 8 hours
Where would the animal be kept when home alone and at night? *
In a dog / cat bed
In a kennel / crate
Wherever he or she likes
If you answered "other" above, please explain:
Which best describes your home atmosphere?
Low energy
Moderate energy
High energy
What will you do with the animal when you go on vacation? *
Stay with family/friend
Pet sitter
Take with me/us
If you answered "other" above, please explain:
What arrangements will you make for the care of your pets in case of an emergency? *
Leave with family/friend
Pet Sitter
Take with me/us
If you answered "other" above, please explain:
How would you describe your "pet experience"? *
Beginner - this is my first pet
Intermediate - I've had dogs/cats in the past but not recently
Experienced - I've had dogs/cats most/all my life
You must agree to: 1) NOT breed your pet; 2) Spay or neuter your pet at 6 months of age *
No Yes
Will you keep your pet up to date on heartworm treatment throughout his or her life?
No Yes
Will you keep the animal up-to-date on vaccinations and heartworm preventative?
No Yes
How will you handle destructive behavior?
Are you willing and able to exercise the animal on a regular basis?
No Yes
Have you ever been convicted of abuse or neglect of a child or animal? *
No Yes
If yes, please explain:
How will you handle housebreaking?
How much do you expect to spend annually for your pet?
$100 - $500
$500 - $1000
Whatever it takes
For what reason(s) would you consider returning/giving up the animal? *
What would you do with your animal if you had to move?
Take him / her with me
Give to family or friend
Return to shelter
If you answered "other" above, please explain:
Are you willing to take responsibility for this animal for the next 10-20 years? *
No Yes
If no, please explain:
If your requested pet is not available, please describe your preferred pet
What type of pet are you looking for?
If you entered "other" type of pet, please list:
Preferred size (check all that apply)
Very Small (1-10 lbs)
Small (10-20 lbs)
Medium (20-50 lbs)
Large (over 50 lbs)
Preferred age (check all that apply)
Puppy (3-12 months)
Young Adult (1 - 3 years)
Adult (3 - 7 years)
Senior (over 7 years)
Preferred level of training? (Select all that apply)
Basic obedience
Fully trained
I plan to train the dog myself
I plan to use a professional trainer
Please provide us with the name/phone number of 3 personal references *
Will you allow us to perform home checks? *
No Yes
In order to be considered for adoption, you must be 21 years of age or older. Any current pets in the home must be up-todate on vaccinations and spayed/neutered. You must have consent of all adults living in the household. No dog will be placed in homes with indoor smokers. Do you agree to the above? *
No Yes
Approved adopters are required to make an adoption appointment within 48 hours and will take their new family member home at that appointment. If adopters are not able to schedule an appointment within 48 hours of approval, there is no guarantee that their adoptee will be still be available for adoption at the time of their appointment. *
No Yes
I have answered all the questions truthfully and I understand that if any intentionally false statements have been given, this application will be void. I understand that Guardians of Florida Animal Rescue, Inc. has the right to approve or deny this application based on its' policies. I give permission for rescue personnel to contact my veterinarian to confirm health/vaccination records. I understand all the risks involved with adopting a dog and release Guardians of Florida Animal Rescue, Inc. from any liability. I give permission for Guardians of Florida Animal Rescue, Inc. to periodically visit the animal in my home. I authorize the invesFgaFon of all statements in this applicaFon. I understand that submimng an application does not guarantee approval. *
No Yes
How did you find out about us?
Internet Search
Please type your name here. By typing your name you are electronically signing for legal purposes and agree to all statements above. *