Pawsitive Planned Parenthood Application
Today's Date
This application is for our Pawsitive Planned Parenthood Program. This program is for people who have an owned cat or dog that is pregnant now or has had babies and you need help rehoming the babies when old enough and you will be keeping the mom. This program is for Highland County Residents Only. If you are wanting to surrender the mom and babies that is a different program and you must fill out the surrender form that applies to the animal you are trying to surrender. Reply yes if this is the program you are looking for.
Name and Address
First name
Last name
Telephone Number
Email Address
What is the best way to reach you to talk about the program?
What type of animal are you trying to enter into the Pawsitive Planned Parenthood Program? Dog or Cat?
Is your animal still pregnant or have they had the babies yet? If still pregnant about how far along do you think they are? If they have had their babies how many of them are there and when were they born?
To participate in this program you MUST be willing to care for mom and babies until the babies are old enough to come into the adoption program. Are you willing to do this?
To participate in this program you MUST keep the mother until she is spayed. If later after her spay you need to rehome her you are welcome to do so. This program is NOT for people looking to surrender mom and babies. Are you willing to keep mom until after her spay?
For dogs-What breed(s) is mom? Do you know what breed(s) dad is? Give your best guess on breeds. For cats- Is the cat long-haired? Medium-haired? Short-haired? We understand you are not an expert and may not know for sure. Give your best guess if you don't know and we will see what we think as well when you send photos.
For dogs-What size is the mother dog? Give approximate height either in inches or where she stands on you (knee, mid shin, mid thing, etc) and approximate weight. For cats type N/A
Do you agree to keep the puppies and/or kittens in a safe and secure environment until HCHS has contacted me for availability.
Do you understand that upon my request, HCHS may provide additional puppy or kitten food.
Do you agree to communicate openly and honestly with HCHS and agree to return phone calls, texts, emails or any other communication with HCHS in a timely manner.
Do you understand that placement of puppies and kittens through the Pawsitive Planned Parenthood Program at HCHS may include placement in adoptive homes and or rescue organizations.
Do you agree that you will not abandon, give away or sell the puppies or kittens once you have enrolled in the program. You understand that selling or giving away unaltered (not spayed or neutered) animals where you cannot guarantee they will be altered, will only increase the continued overpopulation issue in our community and will make any contract with HCHS through this program null and void.
Do you understand that HCHS will ensure all adopted puppies or kittens are altered when they are old enough as part of the adoption process. You also understand that HCHS shall screen potential adopters for approval and shall vaccinate and microchip prior to adoption as well.
The cost of the spay will be at an extremely low cost to you and is required to be prepaid at time of scheduling of spay appointment. $25 for dogs $15 for cats. Do you agree to pay this fee and bring the mother to the appointment scheduled for you? We will work with you on surgery dates best we can.
Do you understand that HCHS will place the kittens or puppies up for adoption and collect an adoption fee. This fee will assist to cover the veterinary care provided for your pet and her litter and you will not be compensated financially in any manner.
Do you understand that by participating in the Pawsitive Planned Parenthood Program with HCHS, HCHS shall have the right to choose which licensed veterinarian they will use to spay the mother at the cost listed above.
Do you understand that if at any time I change my mind and surrender to another facility, sell the puppies or kittens, or give them away, you have nullified our agreement.
Do you understand that if you fail to maintain communication with HCHS by not returning phone calls, emails, texts or social media messages, or you do not show for scheduled appointments; this will also nullify our contract and preclude you from participating in the program again.
Do you understand that if you fail to appear for your spay appointment, you forfeit the fee and HCHS will not help you with future litters.
Do you understand by signing below that the agreement is fulfilled and finalized upon the surrender of the puppies and kittens and mother is spayed.
Filling out this form is not a guarantee that you are in the program. After reviewing your form and reviewing our intake calendar we will reach out to let you know if we can bring these babies into our program. We determine our ability to intake animals into this program based on our space availability in our intake calendar. We have limited space and cannot take on more than we can care for properly. If we are unable to take them in we will work with you to see how else we can help you.
By typing your name here you are agreeing to all the terms listed above.