Dog Owner Surrender Form
Today's Date
Dog's Name that you wish to rehome (please fill out one surrender form per dog)
Your First Name
Your Last Name
Your address. Please include city as well.
Your Phone number
Your email address (you must leave a valid email address so that we can contact you)
Why are you needing to surrender your dog?
Is your dog male or female?
Is your dog spayed or neutered?
How old is the dog you are surrendering?
What breed(s) is the dog you are surrendering?
About how much does your dog weigh?
How long have you owned this dog?
Is your dog up to date on vaccines?
Has your dog been to a vet since you've owned it?
If your dog has been vaccinated within the last year we will need paper proof of those vaccines before we can take the dog. If your dog hasn't been vaccinated in the past year, should we agree to take the dog you will have to have it vaccinated by us and then bring the dog back in 2 weeks so we can vaccinate it again before we take it into the shelter. This is to protect your animal coming in and those already in the shelter from potential diseases.
If your dog has been to a vet before, what is the name of that vet?
What is the vet's phone number?
If your dog has been to the vet before, how did they handle the vet visit?
Is the dog house trained?
Not at all
has accidents sometimes
has accidents only when I'm not home
How does your dog feel about the crate?
I've never crated my dog
Completely comfortable in the crate
Tolerates it only
Hates the crate
Has your dog lived with cats before?
Is your dog good with cats? Please check all that apply.
cats they have lived with
cats they've seen outside
Has your dog lived with children before? Please check all that apply.
Under 5
12 and up
Does your bark a little or a lot?
Has your dog been good with kids? Please check all that apply
kids they lived with
kids that came to the house
kids they met in public
Has your dog lived with other dogs? Please check all that apply.
female dogs
male dogs
small dogs under 20 lbs
dogs 21-70 lbs
70lbs and up
What does your dog do when meeting other dogs? Please select all that apply
Which best describes your dog when meeting a new dog? Please select all that apply.
friendly & wiggly
takes time to warm up
cowers & hides
barks & sounds protective
Is your dog good at meeting strangers?
What does your dog do when meeting a stranger? Please check all that apply.
Has your dog ever injured another animal or person before? If so, please list each instance and the situation that occurred and how serious was the injury.
Has your dog ever bitten anyone before? Please share each instance and the situation that occured with it and the seriousness of the injury. (Please know that if you lie about a bite you can be sued should your dog bite anyone else)
Do you ever worry your dog will snap or bite at a person, child, dog or cat?
Which describes your dog best when meeting strangers?
friendly & wiggly
takes time to warm up
cowers & hides
barks & sounds protective
What does your dog do when they meet a child they don't know? Please select all that apply.
Which best describes your dog when meeting a child they don't know? Please select all that apply
friendly & wiggly
takes time to warm up
cowers & hides
barks & sounds protective
What does your dog do when someone approaches them when they have a special treat or toy? Please select all that apply.
walks away
doesn't care
What does your dog do when another dog approaches them when they have a special treat or toy? Please select all that apply.
walks away
doesn't care
What does your dog do when a child comes near them when they have a special treat or toy? Please select all that apply.
walks away
doesn't care
Please tell us anything else about your animal you would like us to know? Quirks they may have, likes and dislikes, etc.
What's next? The Director will review your surrender request and reply via email whether you move on to the assessment part of the process. Please be aware kennel space goes quickly. Keep an eye on your email and respond quickly as to when you can schedule a time for assessment.
I understand that this surrender form is just the first step to the surrender process. I understand I still have to bring them in for an in-person assessment to see how the dog behaves before a final decision is made. The in-person assessment only happens when the director schedules it with you. Please watch your email.
We understand that surrendering a pet is a difficult decision, and we’re here to help. However, as a non-profit organization that receives no government funding surrender fees are essential to keeping our doors open and continuing our mission. Each animal we take in needs and receives the following: 🔹 Medical Care 🔹 Food & Shelter 🔹 Vet Costs 🔹 Staff to care for them 🔹 Adoption Fees Don’t Cover It All By paying a surrender fee, you’re helping us provide the best possible care to every animal that comes through our doors. It ensures they’re healthy, safe, and ready for a fresh start in a loving home. Thank you for understanding and supporting our mission.
I understand there may be a surrender fee of $50 should my dog pass assessment.
If you are unable to afford the surrender fee, we do have a program where you can volunteer 5 hours of time to offset the cost of the surrender fee. Please understand that the volunteer hours will need to be completed before we can intake your dog, provided the dog has passed assessment and we have agreed to take the dog in.
I understand that once I surrender my dog to the Humane Society, they will have the right to make decisions about my dog, such as, but not limited to, adoption, transfer to another facility, euthanasia, etc.
After filling out this form please send photos of your dog or puppy to our email at Sending photos is part of the requirements and without it we cannot move forward.
By typing your name here, You are attesting that every answer you have given is truthful and correct.