Love-A-Bull, Inc. - Adoption Application Form

Applicant Information

Please enter correctly as this is the main way we will contact you.
Please use the following format 248-555-1212

Additional Information

If you do not have a landlord, please type N/A.

Current Pet Information

Previous Pet Information

This refers to pets for which you have previously been responsible.

Adoption Information

If you are open to any of our dogs, please put "any".

If you previously marked "none", please put N/A.


Please Read Carefully

Care for a dog is an additional financial commitment. This includes: annual vet care, parasite testing, monthly heart worm & flea preventative, dog food, and other supplies. This does NOT include any injuries, or illnesses the dog may incur.

I understand that any bodily injury or property damage incurred from a rescue is my responsibility, and that I will not hold Love-A-Bull or any of its members responsible or liable. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Love-A-Bull, its agents, volunteers and Board members from any and all claims, lawsuits, injuries, or damages.

I understand that I am not allowed to give, sell or adopt out a dog in my care to anyone else without the written consent of Love-A-Bull’s Board of Directors. I understand that if I adopt this dog I will pay Love-A-Bull a non-refundable fee, which varies by dog, upon signing the adoption contract.

By signing below, I certify that the information provided on this application is true and I recognize that any misrepresentation of facts may result in losing adoption/foster privileges. I authorize investigation of all statements in this application and understand that veterinarians, landlords, and other humane agencies, etc. may be contacted. I further understand that the adoption of this pet may be delayed until this information can be verified.

Trial Adoption Agreement

The first three days of any adoption are a "Trial Adoption" period, during which the adoption applicant is considered a Foster Caregiver. By agreeing to participate in the Trial Adoption period as a Foster in partnership with Love-A-Bull, I agree to the following:

State and Local Laws: I agree to abide by the laws of the State of Texas, including those of local municipalities and counties regarding animals, this includes, but is not limited to, local leash laws.

Pet’s Safety: During my time as a foster parent, I will not allow my foster dog to interact with any animal other than those owned by me and that are disclosed on the foster application. I further agree that I will NOT allow my foster animal off-leash even in designated leash free-zones such as dog parks and hiking trails.

Pet's Temperament and Behavior: I understand that Love-A-Bull cannot guarantee the disposition of any foster dog and does not always have past information for these animals. I understand that there are some risks associated with taking in foster dogs that are out of Love-A-Bull’s control.

Health and Wellness: I agree to keep all my pets current on all vaccinations, including without limitation, bordetella, parvo, distemper, and rabies. I agree to separate any animal showing symptoms of illness from the other animals in the home as soon as symptoms are observed, and to seek veterinary care and notify Love-A-Bull immediately.

Care and Nurturing: I agree to be fully responsible for the safety and well being of the foster dog. I will provide a safe, loving, humane environment with adequate food, water and shelter at all times. I will not leave the foster dog unattended in the back yard when I leave home, nor will I tie the dog to any anchors and leave unattended. I will not crop the ears or crop tail of a fostered dog, nor will I make any medical decisions for the dog without Love-A-Bull’s written (email or text) approval. I will not punish physically or yell at the foster dog. I will adhere to all state and local animal laws, ensuring the foster dog wears a collar with identification at all times. I will promptly notify Love-A-Bull immediately if the foster dog becomes lost.

Return of Animals: I agree that I am fostering this dog for Love-A-Bull and that I do not have any right of ownership over the foster dog. I understand that the State of Texas views pet animals as property, and under law all foster dogs within the Love-A-Bull program are the legal property of Love-A-Bull. If the foster dog is requested returned by Love-A-Bull, I agree to return the dog within 24 hours of the request. I agree to allow Authorized Love-A-Bull representatives designated access to my home and property to check on the foster dog at any time while I am in possession of the foster dog. I understand that if I wish to adopt the foster dog, I will be subject to Love-A-Bull’s standard adoption process.

Supplies: I agree to promptly return any foster supplies that Love-A-Bull has provided during my time as an approved foster home. I understand and agree that any flea/tick, heartworm preventative or food supplied by Love-A-Bull is to be used solely for the foster dog and not for any personal animals I may already have in my home.

Personal or Property Damage and/or Injury: All dogs possess the propensity to bite and injure other pets and humans. I acknowledge that accidental animal bites or other injuries to humans and other animals do occur and are part of the risk taken when agreeing to foster a dog. I agree to hold harmless, indemnify, and protect Love-A-Bull from any claim or suit filed by someone as a result of such an incident.

In addition, Love-A-Bull will not be responsible if the dog should damage or destroy property belonging to Foster Caregiver, Foster Caregiver household, or others, or if the dog transfers any disease or internal/external parasites to other animals and people in the Foster Caregiver's household.

Love-A-Bull feels it is important for all caregivers to be current on their tetanus vaccination if they will be handling animals as a Love-A-Bull volunteer or foster. If a foster has questions about the tetanus vaccination, he or she is encouraged to consult a physician, at their own expense, to decide whether or not to be vaccinated against tetanus. I understand and agree to the above tetanus waiver. Furthermore, I release Love-A-Bull from all responsibility that may occur as a result of not being vaccinated against tetanus, and I understand that whatever decision I make regarding vaccinations for my child/children is at my own risk.

Photo Release: I agree on behalf of myself, my heirs, assignees, guardians, and personal and legal representatives and executors to allow Love-A-Bull to use any photographs and images taken of my family members when included in photographs of the foster dog provided by the foster or taken with the foster's consent. I agree to notify Love-A-Bull if they should not share specific photographs at the time those photos are taken. I understand that Love-A-Bull reserves the right to use any and all photographs or to promote Love-A-Bull services or Love-A-Bull programs, or to publicize any event without payment or notification when this consent has been provided. I understand that all prints and negatives become the sole property of Love-A-Bull and may be used by Love-A-Bull without payment or notification.

I understand that if I am approved for adopting, and therefore a trial period of fostering, this declaration represents a legal contract between me as the foster home caregiver and Love-A-Bull. I understand that if I am approved to foster a dog, I must abide by this agreement and that this agreement applies to any and all dogs that I foster with Love-A-Bull. Any breach of this agreement will result in the termination of the trial period as a foster and potential adoption, and may result in legal action.

Waiver and Release and Agreement to Indemnify

I understand and agree that as a potential adopter and temporary foster caregiver for Love-A-Bull, I assume all risks of loss or injury, including death to myself or damage to my property while participating in the Love-A-Bull adoption program.

I understand and agree that Love-A-Bull shall incur no liability of any nature as a result of my fostering during the trial period for Love-A-Bull.

Oh behalf of myself, my heirs and personal representatives, I hereby release, discharge and indemnify and hold harmless Love-A-Bull and its assigns, successors, agents, volunteers, board of directors, contractors and representatives from and and all claims, causes of action or demands of any nature of cause whatsoever, including costs and legal fees arising out of or relating to my temporary foster caregiving with Love-A-Bull including but not limited to animal bites, disease, accidents, property damage, or injuries.