NQAR Surrender Application


(* indicates mandatory fields)

By typing your name below you are electronically signing this agreement to acknowledge your acceptance of the following terms and conditions:

- I understand that if/when I am offered a place for my pet with NQAR I will be surrendering ownership of the animal to North Qld Animal Rescue Inc.

- I agree to hand over all vetting and ownership records to NQAR and sign over any microchips.

- I understand that NQAR will not disclose my pets new owners details or location to me.

- I understand NQAR is a volunteer organisation and they are not required to provide ongoing updates on the welfare of my pet. However inital updates will be passed along if provided by the new owners

Please e-mail a couple of different photos of your pet to rehoming@nqar.org.au so that we can proceed in finding a suitable foster carer.