Volunteer Team Member Application

We're thrilled that you're considering joining our pack. Please fill in this form as honestly as you can. Your responses will not affect your application negatively in any way. Instead, they will help us understand your strengths, passions, and where you'll shine brightest in our team. We value authenticity and believe that every wag of the tail and purr of the heart counts. So, let your true self shine through as you complete this form! Thank you for your honesty and enthusiasm. We can't wait to learn more about you!

If you are not 18 or over please do not continue. We cannot accept volunteers under 18 for liability reasons. However many young men and women help by raising money, blanket, food and toy drives. We would love your help. You do not have to fill out this application to contribute in other ways.
We need all sorts of help with animals, admin, accounts, events, funding, transport our vehicles, building, gardening etc. We appreciate every helping paw!
By submitting this form, I confirm that the information provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.