Pre-Adoption Application- Ellie's Canine Rescue and Rehome
Pre-Adoption Application- Ellie's Canine Rescue and Rehome
Which dog or Pup(s) are you interested in?
First Name
Last Name
Email address
Phone number
Your age (if you don't complete this properly we won't consider your application)
Do you have children in house? How many and what are their ages?
Preferred method of contact?
Please select your preferred method of contact
How many adults in the household?
Your home is a:
Lifestyle Block/Farm
House with over 500m2 section
House with under 500m2 section
Townhouse with no section
Is your property fully fenced? If so what materials it is made of? If not, is there a secure area for dogs to toilet off leash?
How high is your fence at the lowest point (please measure)?
Please select one
Under 1.1m
over 2m
Do you own or rent the property?
Own this address
Rent here but own property elsewhere
Renter - do not own any property personally
This address belongs to a family member and I live here
Will the dog be alone during the day? If so, where will it be and for how long in total over the whole day? How many days a week will they left left that long?
Where will the dog be kept at night?
Have you owned a dog before?
Please select one
No never
Only a family dog as a child
Yes, 1-2 dogs
Yes, more than 2 dogs
Yes, more than 2 dogs, including previous rescues
Do you have pets in the house, if so what and are they desexed?
Do you have any other animals or poultry on the property? If you have birds are they contained in an area from the dogs?
Have you ever given a dog you owned to a rescue, pound or a non-family member?
How much do you expect to spend on your dog in a year? Include costs like vet bills, council registration, pet insurance, food, training and toys etc
What food will you be feeding the dog or pup?
Where did you hear about us?
Website/Internet search
Trade Me
Any comments?
Select to agree conditions of your application
Please select all fields if you agree
I confirm that all information I have provided in this application is truthful
I accept all pups will be desexed at 6mths of age as a condition of adoption
This application will not be considered until a copy of my Council rates bill and property fencing is sent to