Hear No Evil - Foster Application Form

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Thank you for choosing to become a foster carer with Hear No Evil. Foster carers are a vital part of our success. Just knowing that you have given an animal a second chance of finding love in a forever home when they may otherwise have been euthanised is such a special and rewarding feeling and we are so grateful that you are doing so.

Please complete this application in as much detail as possible, this will help us find the best match and create the most positive experience for both you and our dogs.

Foster Responsibilities

Here is some information on your responsibilities as a foster carer for HNE.

  1. The dog will remain in foster care with you until adoption or until a new foster placement is found (if necessary). Please give your foster space and time to decompress over the first three months. If after this period, you feel the animal is unsuitable for any reason please contact your Foster Coordinator.
  2. You are responsible for the day-to-day love and care of the dog, but the dog remains the legal property of HNE.
  3. You cannot give away, sell, surrender to another organisation, or have a HNE dog in your care euthanised. Legal action will be taken if any of these things occur.
  4. You agree to accept the animal in its current condition, health and behaviour and work with your Foster Coordinator to address any issues.
  5. You must notify HNE within 7 days of any change to your contact details or other circumstances.
  6. You must provide regular updates on the dog in your care, including information about health, wellbeing, training progress/needs, etc. These updates are to include photos/videos. At minimum, this contact must be fortnightly. Updates should be made to the Behind-the-Scenes Facebook group or if not on FB via email to your Foster Coordinator or via group chat.
  7. When requested you must return the dog to HNE or hand the dog over to its approved adopter.
  8. You indemnify HNE, its Executive Committee and other volunteers for any liability, costs or expenses which arise because of your actions or omissions (including negligence) or the animal’s condition, health, and behaviour while the animal is in you care.
  9. It is important that you make yourself aware of local, state, and national domestic animal laws and obey those laws.
  10. You must ensure that all animals and humans are kept safe from risk or injury and agree to not accept more animals than you can adequately care for.
  11. You must ensure that you have plans and provisions for the animals in your care in the event of a disaster or emergency (bushfire, flood, or illness etc)

Conditions of Care

You are to maintain and house the dog in the conditions explained to you by HNE. The dog must be treated and cared for as a member of your family.

  1. You must house the dog at the location given on the foster form and cannot house the dog at an alternative location or pass the dog into the care of another person, without the express consent of HNE.
  2. The dog cannot be taken out of the designated region without express consent of HNE.
  3. Along with a property inspection prior to placing a dog in care, HNE may also inspect your property while the dog is in care to ensure the dog’s safety and wellbeing. Should such an inspection result in a decision to remove the dog from your care, arrangements will be made for the return to occur at a mutually convenient time and place. You must give your foster dog monthly heartworm and flea treatment (due on the first day of every month) and quarterly intestinal worming treatment.
  4. The dog must always wear a collar with a HNE identification tag attached. If you do not have a HNE identification tag on hand at the time the dog arrives in care, please place a key tag on the collar. The tag should include the dog’s name, the rescue name, and the rescue phone number (0497 414 632). Please note, check-chains are not permitted to be used at any time, including as a collar.
  5. The dog is not to be taken off your property without a collar and leash and is not to be let off-leash in any unsecured area including off-leash beaches. The only exception for off-leash exercise is in a fully fenced dog park, noting the dog must be fully supervised.
  6. The dog must be housed in sanitary conditions, which meet or exceed minimum standards as defined by local domestic animal laws, this includes clean, comfortable, and weatherproof accommodation within a securely fenced yard.

Health and wellbeing

You are responsible for the health and wellbeing of the dog while it is in your care.

  1. All day-to-day costs associated with the care of the dog which includes food, bedding, toys, etc are the responsibility of the foster carer.
    • Where donations of these products are available, they will be passed on to you.
    • Where you have purchased essential products such as parasite treatment or food, these purchases can be treated as a tax-deductible gift. A purchase receipt can be provided to HNE and a gift receipt will be issued by HNE to you.
    • If you cannot afford to purchase of food, then please notify your Foster Coordinator who will make the necessary arrangements for the required items to be provided.
  2. All foster dogs are to be provided with daily food, interaction, training, stimulation and play and must have access to shelter at all times from all weather conditions.
  3. All foster dogs should be fed a diet of quality dry dog food, if your Foster Coordinator suspects an allergy or potential CCD, the foster dog must be put on a chicken free diet. The minimum acceptable quality for food for HNE dogs is Supercoat, no supermarket brands are to be used. Foster dogs must be fed twice daily with the amount based on the age and weight of the dog. The dog must always have access to fresh clean water.
  4. You can only take the dog to a vet chosen by HNE and only when approval has been provided for a consultation. All vet costs will be covered by HNE. Any unauthorised and unnecessary vet visit may result in the carer being responsible for the vet bill.
  5. In the event of any concern about the health of a dog in care, you must advise your Foster Coordinator or HNE’s President immediately. This includes injury, illness or any other matter that may impact on the overall wellbeing of the dog.
  6. If a HNE foster dog requires veterinary treatment because of your negligence, you are liable for the associated costs.


Because a lot of our dogs come into care anxious and abused. Hear No Evil only use fear free and positive reinforcement training. We do not use any 'training aids' such as prong, check or vibrating collars.

Positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is the most humane and effective method of training. It requires patience and consistency.

  • Do not scold or punish bad behaviour. It only instils fear which can lead to aggressive behaviour.
  • When an unwanted behaviour occurs redirect your foster dog with a toy or something else.
  • Praise and reward them for stopping the undesired behaviour with lots of pats or treats and thumbs up which in turn has them focused on you.
  • Even when not in training mode, praise, and reward good behaviour. When a behaviour is immediately followed by a positive outcome, that behaviour is strengthened.
  • With proper basic training there should be no need for vibration collars.
  • Do not use laser pointers to play with or train a HNE dog. Laser pointer chasing can lead to serious behavioural issues. For the dog it is more frustrating than fun and it can develop serious obsessive-compulsive behaviours.

House Training

Not all dogs brought into care will be house trained, but it is essential that this is taught. Dogs who are house trained are more easily adopted than those that are not.

  • Prevent accidents by taking the dog outside regularly – especially after naps, eating/drinking and playtime.
  • Reward them for toileting outside.
  • Watch for the tell-tale signs that they are about to go to the toilet (sniffing, pacing, etc).
  • Interrupt accidents if they start but do not punish the dog.
  • Clean up accident with a non-ammonia cleaner, preferably a bio-enzyme cleaner.
  • Do not use pee-pads for toilet training.

Crate Training

All Hear No Evil dogs are crate trained. For most dogs, crate training is a new concept and one that takes time to become normal for them.

  • Make the crate a positive place! Only good things happen in the crate - food, new toys etc.
  • Reward quiet and calm behaviour.
  • Make it comfortable (cold - snuggle blankets, hot - bare surfaces and cooling aids).
  • Throw a cover over it. This will help make the dog feel secure.
  • Get the right size! A dog must be able to stand up, turn around and sleep comfortably stretched out, (but not so big they feel comfortable they toilet at one end while sleeping at the other).
  • Put it in a high traffic / family area of your home. You want them to feel included, not excluded.

Hear No Evil Contact Information -> Email: admin@deafdogrescue.com.au | Phone No: 0497414632 | Website: deafdogrescue.com.au