In what way would you like to help? *
I would like to Volunteer my time
I would like to volunteer and sign up my dog to be a Hear No Evil Ambassador
I'm already a volunteer but would like my dog to be an Hear No Evil Ambassador
Your Details
Title *
First Name *
Last Name *
How did you hear about Hear No Evil?
Community Events
Social Media
Internet Search
Family and Friends
Animal Adoption Websites (e.g.PetRescue, SavourLife)
Best Contact Number *
Email Address *
Street Address *
Suburb *
State *
Postcode *
Why do you want to volunteer?
Why do you want to volunteer? *
Meet new people
To do something meaningful
Get experience working with dogs
Learn/use/develop my skills
Give back to the community
Couldn't have a dog of my own so this it the next best thing.
Help dogs find a home
Why have you chosen to volunteer specifically for Hear No Evil? *
Experience and Qualifications
Please describe your experience and qualifications? (It does not have to be dog related) *
What areas can you assist in?
Don't worry, we won't ask you to do everything you select. It allows us to best match tasks to the right people.
Hands on with Dogs
Provide weekend care while other caregivers are on holidays
Hands on dog handling/adoption events
Transportation- pick up and deliver dogs
Transportation - pick up/deliver cats & kittens to carers or vet appointments
Behaviour & assessment
Photography of dogs
Video and/or video editing
Vet/vet nursing
Fundraising Support
Write thank you notes
Writing grants
Publicise fundraising events
Develop fundraising strategies
Make crafts
Sell raffle tickets
Host and/or organise events
Solicit donations
I'm able to donate prizes for fundraising events
I'm interested in having HNE as our charity partner
Back Office Work
Help set up systems & processes
Update database
Manage email correspondence
Create newsletters
Article writing & editing
Graphic Design
Design flyers/brochures and information material
Design forms
Bookkeeping and/or accounting
Maintenance and updating of website
Creating animal profiles
Social Media management
IT Support
In-Person Work
Screen & visit potential foster homes
Screen prospective adopters
Visit animals
Visit pounds & shelters in your local area
Attend HNE market days and events
I can provide support at local events.
I'm interested in bringing my deaf dog to your events as an Ambassador dog,
Other, I can also assist in the following area.
Hear No Evil Ambassador
As our Deaf Dog Ambassadors are required to attend events and be comfortable around a multitude of people and strange things, the following will help us determine if your dog would be suitable as an Ambassador. We have a minimum standard and dogs would fall into one of three levels.
Level 1. Practically, bombproof! (Has a high level of training, comfortable in all scenarios. Suitable for public events, school demo, etc.
Level 2. Show-offs with limits! (Basic training and manners, suitable for public events with supervision / monitored interactions depending on dog's comfort limits.
Level 3. Social media stars! (Not available / suitable for public events).
What level is your dog?
From the above criteria what Level would you say your dog is at?
Level 1 - Practically bombproof
Level 2 - Show-off with limits
Level 3 - Social media star
Dog's Name *
Dog's Age *
Breed *
Sex *
What are your dog's Special Needs (i.e. deaf, blind etc)? *
Does your dog have basic training? Tick all applicable *
Leash manners
Does your dog do tricks? Tick all applicable *
Shake hands
Roll over
Play dead
Bark on command
List any other tricks.
Is your dog crate trained? *
No Yes
Is your dog comfortable in public spaces? *
No Yes
Is your dog easily distracted or handler focused? *
Easily distracted
Handler focused
Is your dog happy for strangers to pet? *
No Yes
Does your dog react to other dogs? *
No Yes
Does your dog react to other animals? *
No Yes
Does your dog interact safely with unfamiliar children, men and women? *
No Yes
Which do you use to work your dog on leash? Tick all applicable *
Flat collar
Head halter
Is your dog physically healthy (weight, joints, injuries, coat condition)? *
No Yes
If No please elaborate.
Does your dog have any neurological issues that may cause random or obsessive behaviours? *
No Yes
If Yes, please explain.
Can you identify when your dog is uncomfortable? *
No Yes
What are your dog's stress markers? *
Are you and your dog happy to travel to events? *
No Yes
If Yes how far are you willing to travel (e.g. in kilometres)?
What is your dog's preferred jacket / bandana colour? *
What are your dog's measurements (in centimetres)?
Around the neck *
Around the chest *
From base of the neck to base of the tail *
Provide any other information you would like to tell us about your dog.
Legal Stuff
As a volunteer of Hear No Evil, Australian Deaf Dog Rescue, I understand and agree to the following:
I am 18 years of age or older and have read, understood and agreed to the terms below.
I agree to follow all instructions given by the Executive Committee, volunteer coordinator, and/or local area coordinator in relation to volunteer activities for Hear No Evil – Australian Deaf Dog Rescue (HNE).
I agree to immediately advise my local area coordinator and/or volunteer coordinator of any issues that may arise during the volunteer activities that have an actual or potential impact on me, any HNE dog (foster or ambassador) or the rescue.
I indemnify HNE, its Executive Committee and other volunteers for any liability, costs or expenses which arise as a result of my actions or omissions (including negligence) when volunteering for HNE.
I will notify HNE within 7 days of any change to my contact details recorded above.
By submitting your personal information you agree to receive occasional marketing and updates emails from Hear No Evil Australian Deaf Dog Rescue.
I agree to the above terms & conditions
Date *
Your name *
Signature *