Cat Application Form

To proceed, you need to be ready to adopt now. If you are wanting a cat at a later date then please come back to our website when you are ready.

If you are considering two cats who we have not bonded, please quote both names and references, and indicate this at the end of the questionnaire.

Before you apply we would like to ask you to consider these questions before you commit to owning a cat.

Please don’t continue with the application if you feel you can’t afford a cat.

Please don’t continue with the application if someone in your home dislikes or is allergic to cats.

If you are renting please check that you are allowed a cat before applying.

Information about the person who wishes to adopt the cat

About the home where the cat(s) will be living

The questions below refer to a single cat. If you are applying to adopt a pair you only need to complete this once, (but see earlier note about the references and names you need to use above). Please answer the questions accurately. This section is to assess your suitability for the cat(s) in question. Please read the description carefully and if you feel that you are not a match please wait until a more suitable cat is advertised.

The cats shown on our website are companion cats, all need a home to live in. Many of our cats are also used to going outside, so they will also need to be able to access the outside. If you have any concerns about your home’s suitability for a cat, or letting cats go outside please let us know in the comment section.

Thank you

If you want to adopt two unbonded cats, please indicate here.

Please give any additional information about your home and/or experience with cats. This is particularly important if you are applying for a cat with any special needs, or other factors need to be considered.

This is not a compulsory question but if the cat’s description indicates that it needs an experienced home, or has special requirements or other information is requested, we suggest you complete the field so that we can understand your suitability for the cat in question.

Are you sure you want to adopt this cat? Please note, this is an application to adopt, NOT an enquiry about a cat.

Thank you for completing our application to adopt. Please read carefully and note the following:

We will check the rehoming criteria for the cat(s) in question against your replies. If we feel that your home will be appropriate and if the cat is still available we will contact you by email or phone. We will discuss the cat in question and may ask you further questions to determine your suitability.

Please do not email to "chase" your application. We will be in touch.

Thank you for your interest in adopting from Yorkshire Cat Rescue.