Name of the cat/kitten you are interested in:
Andy (Cat - S20223462)
Arabella (Cat - S2025108)
Ariya (Cat - S2022085)
Arthur (JCM) (Cat - S20241097)
Atticus (Cat - S20241463)
Autumn (Cat - S20211419)
Avance (CL) (Cat - F2023006)
Avance-4 (CL) (Cat - F2023007)
Bagel Bite (Cat - S20231033)
Bear (Cat - S20241521)
Beth (Cat - S2025009)
Billie (Cat - S2024255)
Blinkin (Cat - S20222985)
Brea (Cat - S20241382)
Carol Burnett (Cat - S2025060)
Cate (Not yet) Spade (Cat - S20241473)
Cherry Blossom (Cat - S2025075)
Chihiro (Cat - S2024943)
Clementine (Cat - S20241491)
Coal (Cat - S20211587)
Corabelle (Cat - S20241307)
Corona (Cat - S2023172)
Dan-O (Cat - S2025098)
Dapper Don (Cat - S20241203)
Diana (Cat - S2025082)
Duckie (Cat - S2025079)
Ducky (Cat - S20241514)
Eagle (Cat - S2025093)
Edgar Allan Purr (Cat - S2020023)
Fanta (Cat - S20241427)
Firefly (Cat - S20241526)
Flower (Cat - S20241522)
Foxy (Cat - S20241288)
Gabby Biscuit (Cat - S2025088)
Gimli (Cat - S2024387)
Goldfish (Cat - S2025077)
Gracie (Cat - S20222934)
Hope (Cat - S20241297)
Hoss (Cat - S2023134)
Jack (CL) (Cat - S2024920)
Jack the cat (Cat - S20241438)
Jeremy (Cat - S20241400)
Jeri (Cat - RG11117125)
Joanna (Cat - S20241106)
Journey (Cat - S2025010)
Justice for All (Cat - S20241109)
Kayra (Cat - S2025083)
Kenzie (Cat - S20241475)
Kiara (Cat - S2025022)
Kip (Cat - S20241476)
Lena (Cat - S20241472)
Leroy (Cat - S2024793)
Luke (Cat - S2025097)
Macy Gray (Cat - S20231558)
Mama Coco (Cat - S20223052)
Marcelina (Cat - S2025001)
Matcha (Cat - S2024955)
Milo (Cat - S2024824)
Mimi (Cat - S2024279)
Miss Maggie (Cat - S2025027)
Mister Mittens (Cat - F2024003)
Mister Whiskers (Cat - F2024001)
Momma Tortilla (Cat - S20222666)
Moochi (Cat - S20201467)
Mr. Chin (Cat - S20231551)
Mr. Lucky (Cat - S2024794)
Nausicaa (Cat - S2024998)
Noir (CL) (Cat - S20241392)
Orator (Cat - S2024970)
Pattiann (Cat - S2025078)
Pongo (Cat - S2025051)
Poppy (Cat - S20241477)
Pumpkin Spice (Cat - S20211617)
Renfield (Cat - S2025042)
Rex (Cat - S20241523)
Sadie (Cat - S20241474)
Snickerdoodle (Cat - S2022019)
Snow (Cat - S20211588)
Spring (Cat - S20241467)
Storm (Cat - S20241466)
Sunkist (Cat - S20241426)
Sushi (Cat - S20241281)
Tiny (Cat - S20241412)
Tipper (Cat - S20241486)
Vern (Cat - S2025041)
Walker (Cat - S2025057)
Walter (Cat - S2025096)
Walter McFluffy (Cat - S20241367)
Wilbur (Cat - S2025109)
Looking for a pair/multiple or undecided? List all names here instead.
Are you looking for an indoor or outdoor cat? *
Indoor only
Outdoor only (barn/working cat)
Indoor with controlled outdoor access (enclosed catio/leashed walks/pet stroller/similar)
Unlimited access to both indoors and outdoors as the cat wishes
What is the main reason you are looking to adopt a cat? *
What qualities are you looking for in your new pet? Be as specific as possible. (Age, color, personality, etc) *
Applicant's First Name *
Applicant's Last Name *
Age/Date of Birth (must be 18 or older) *
Drivers License or State ID Number *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Apartment Number (if applicable)
Zip Code *
Phone Number *
Alternate Phone Number
Email Address *
What is your preferred contact method?
Do you own or rent your home? *
Live with parents/relative
If you rent, are pets allowed and have you paid all required fees? *
How long have you lived at this address? *
Less than one month
1-2 months
3-6 months
6-9 months
9-12 months
1-2 years
3-5 years
6-10 years
10 + years
What is the main source of income for your household? *
My Job
My Spouse/Partner's Job
My Parents
If you chose "my parents" or "other" above, please explain: *
If employed, what is your occupation? (Or that of your spouse/partner.) Include company name and phone number. *
Are you financially able and willing to provide for all of the cat's needs, including emergencies, immediately and for the next 10-20 years? *
No Yes
About how many hours per day will the cat be left alone? *
When no one is home, where will the cat be kept? *
Loose in the House
Confined to a Room
Including yourself, how many people live in your household? *
List the ages of any children under 18 who live in your home or visit frequently. *
Is everyone in your household aware that you are planning to adopt a pet? *
If there are other animals at the home (yours or someone else's), list their names, ages and breeds/species. *
If you have dogs, how are they with cats? *
Are all your pets spayed/neutered and current on vaccinations? If not, please explain. *
Veterinarian's name, address and phone number (current or former): *
What happened to any pets you previously owned? *
If you have ever rehomed or surrendered your pet to a shelter, please explain. *
For what reason(s) would you consider returning/giving up this cat? *
Have you ever had a cat declawed? If yes, what was the reason? *
What are your current feelings about declawing? *
How will you handle unwanted behavior? (Such as scratching furniture or not using the litterbox) *
What arrangements will you make for the care of your pets in case of a family emergency, military deployment, vacation, or if you become unable to care for it due to infirmity or death? *
What would you do with the cat if you had to move? *
Please add any additional info, clarifications, questions, etc, here.
I have read the foregoing and certify that the answers I have given are complete, true and not misleading in any way. I am authorizing you to contact landlords, associations and veterinarians to verify my statements. *