Volunteer Application Form

Please check all that apply

Check all that apply

Please provide more detail
Personal or professional reference
Personal or professional reference

Anything else you'd like us to know?
Volunteer Agreement

As a volunteer with Critteraid, I agree to the following:
  1. To represent Critteraid in a professional manner.
  2. To follow the rules and procedures set up by Critteraid during my volunteer time.
  3. To respect Critteraid’s right to terminate me as a volunteer should it be determined that I am in conflict with the goals of the Society. Critteraid has the right also, to terminate volunteers if the act of volunteering is determined to be a threat to the health and well-being of the volunteer.
  4. To return to Critteraid any property belonging to the Society. Any property not returned will be billed to me for the full value. A person cannot volunteer again until all supplies are returned in good condition.
  5. I understand that any photographs that I may take as a result of my volunteer work will be the property of Critteraid and that I must seek permission from a Director to use any photographs for my own personal / professional use.
  6. To use equipment and facilities belonging or being used by Critteraid in a manner not to damage or destroy them. Volunteers are responsible for replacing and / or repairing any property they intentionally damage or destroy.
  7. I will not represent Critteraid to the media without approval of a Director of the Society.
  8. I will not abuse or neglect any animal in trauma in the care of Critteraid when volunteering.
  9. I will not cause bodily harm to any other volunteer or individual cooperating with Critteraid. Under no condition will volunteers be allowed to bring guns, hunting type knives or bows and arrows to any Critteraid volunteer scene or to any Critteraid Sanctuary or designated other location.
  10. Alcohol and illegal drugs are not permitted to be used at any time when you are volunteering with Critteraid. If a volunteer violates either, they will be dismissed as a volunteer.
  11. Smoking is not permitted in any Critteraid Sanctuary. This is for the protection of the animals and other volunteers. There will be areas designated for smoking. Smoking is not permitted during rescue work either.